Shoku's Delusions

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Battle-weary soreness was familiar, but this was different. Shoku's body ached, a tapestry of bruises marring her sides. Hidden strains pulsed with every heartbeat, protesting her exertions. Yet, it was the tremors racking her frame that unsettled her most.

Her arm throbbed, a radiating pain that stabbed through her entire body. The epicenter of her agony lay in the two puncture marks, like twin brands seared into her flesh. Big Mama's bite, dismissed as harmless, now revealed its sinister truth.

Shoku collapsed onto the unforgiving floor, the carpet offering scant comfort. Her stomach churned, expelling its contents in wrenching heaves. The dry retches that followed left her spent, her body wracked by spasms. She couldn't figure out why this was happening, but Big Mama was surely at fault.

Shoku's head thudded against the floor, her body spent from the waves of nausea. The world's unfairness was a cliché, but she now grasped its cruel depths. 'What did I do to deserve this?' echoed in her mind, a haunting refrain.

As violent tremors racked her frame, Shoku's thoughts spiraled into self-doubt. Her past deeds, once justified as necessary, now taunted her. Two lives lost to her hands – was this her penance? Had fate conjured this agony as retribution?

Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, mingling with the sting of her raw throat. Shoku's gaze drifted upward, searching for answers in the cold, uncaring ceiling.

Shoku was consumed by guilt, the weight of her actions crushing her. She couldn't justify taking lives simply because she couldn’t control herself.

Perhaps this was the reason her life had never gone right. Shoku had never been one for spiritual contemplation, but her current plight made her wonder if a higher power was at work, guiding her fate. Was she being punished for her wrongdoings? The idea sent a chill through her. Her mental ledger was filled with past transgressions, each one a reminder of her fallibility. The list was lengthy, and the toll was mounting. But, then again, wouldn't that mean that it wasn't her fault?

Shoku's isolation enveloped her like a shroud, the only sound the relentless throbbing in her arm. The venom coursed through her veins like liquid fire. Her vacant stare fell upon the shiny metal on her arm.

Her thoughts drifted to the world beyond her solitude, where people shared laughter, tears, and love. Families, friends, and strangers united by kindness. Why was she denied such connections? Did her existence warrant only pain and loneliness? Tears welled up, glazing her eyes as a solitary sob escaped her lips.

With strained effort, Shoku reached for the console, her fingers trembling as she pressed the button. A hologram flickered to life, casting an ethereal glow. But the brief respite was shattered by a searing cramp that clenched her chest, stealing her breath.

Donnie's expression darkened. "So, you're the thief." But his accusation faltered as he took in Shoku's anguish. Her eyes, brimming with tears, pleaded for help. Her voice, a barely audible whisper, cracked with each syllable: "Help..."

The desperation in her tone gave Donnie pause. He scrutinized the screen, his concern growing. Any sane person would be alarmed. Shoku's distress was palpable, even through the holographic transmission.

Donnie's gaze shifted, his mind racing. "Are you still with Draxum?" he asked, his tone laced with caution. As he spoke, he swiftly gathered essentials from his lab, snatching his brother Mikey from his coloring table. Mikey's curious gaze met Donnie's urgent expression, but he asked no questions, trusting his brother's instincts.

Shoku's pain-etched face contorted as she shook her head, the movement sending her world spinning. Donnie's urgent questions hung in the air, but her only response was a pained groan.

His frustration gave way to concern as he watched her struggle. “Where are you? What happened?” he pressed, hoping for a coherent answer. Shoku's eyes fluttered, her voice barely above a whisper: “Nexus Hotel... 833.”

The words tumbled out in a rush, accompanied by a fresh wave of tears. Donnie's gaze locked onto the hologram, his expression softening. The screen shook, mirroring Shoku's trembling arm. He winced, empathy piercing his resolve.

A deep breath steadied his nerves. He was really doing this – helping the thief who'd stolen from him. The girl that tried to kill him and his brothers. The realization sank in, but Donnie's doubts were silenced by Shoku's anguished face.

Mikey's curious voice pierced the tension. "What's going on, Donald?" He peered at the screen, his eyes wide with concern. But Donnie remained silent, lost in thought.

His mind raced with grim scenarios, each one more unsettling than the last. Shoku's desperate plea had unleashed a maelstrom of worries. What had she gotten herself into? Who – or what – was responsible for her condition?

Donnie's expression hardened, resolve etching his features. “I'm on my way,” he vowed, though reassurance wasn't his forte. The words felt awkward, but genuine.

The machine roared to life, lifting off the ground. He raised his finger to hang up as he activated his battle shell, beginning to hover.

Shoku's faint voice halted Donnie's departure. "Wait..." Her gasp was laced with desperation, her expression a heart-wrenching blend of exhaustion and fear.

"Please, don't go," she whispered, her tone fractured. Tears streamed down her face, and her quivering jaw betrayed her fragile state. "Stay... I don't want to be alone." The words hung in the air, piercing Donnie's resolve.

As he soared over the city, Shoku's pleas struck a chord within him. His rugged demeanor softened, and he retracted his hand from the device. "Okay," he promised, his voice still a monotone.

Shoku's relieved sob echoed through the comms system, but it was quickly overshadowed by a pained cry. Her arm's condition worsened, the tenderness spreading.

Mikey now had a more serious expression on his face, deciding to occupy her with questions like…“What's your favorite color?” Her favorite color was turquoise. “What's your favorite food?” Hers was zafiti.

Donnie flew to Shoku's location, tracking the stolen gauntlet's GPS signal. Upon arrival, he and Mikey infiltrated the Nexus Hotel room using tech to bypass the glass. They found Shoku in distress, suffering muscle spasms and surrounded by vomit. The brothers swiftly extracted her and headed back to the lair.

En route, Shoku passed out from exhaustion. Donnie alerted his brothers, Raph and Leo, to prepare the medbay for her arrival.

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