Chapter 10: Trip

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"Sorry I let myself in but also..your mother said I can just walk right in. See (Y/n)? How it is to trust someone? She trusts me with her own daughter to just walk right into her house unannounced? Well I trust you (Y/n) and I need you to be honest with me when I say this.. WHERE IS MICHEAL MYERS!" Loomis' voice boomed throughout your house. Your eyes widen and you turn to Micheal only to find him gone! Oh that sneaky.. he just ditched you to deal with him? Really!

You start to power walk towards the loud voice and made intense eye contact with the intruder. "Get. Out." You glare, voice laced with venom. "Micheal isn't even here! I seen the news and I am shocked to believe that all of that happened!" You looked down at Loomis's wound. The one Micheal had previously given him back at the asylum. "I see that you are wounded. My guess is that it's from your dear friend Micheal. I'm sorry he hurt you Loomis but that doesn't give any excuse to come barging into my house. My parents permission or not. You are acting crazy Loomis!" You say and Loomis expression softens to one of confusion until he looked into your kitchen. There he sees the pile of freshly cooked food. "So who did you cook all of this food for?" He says with a smile growing in face. "Well as you can see my mother brought groceries and I wanted to cook up a pack of bacon!" "All for yourself?" "Yes what's so wrong with that I plan on using some later in tonight for my homemade salad!" You quickly stammer a lie. A good one at that. You were proud at your quick thinking as it brought Loomis down from his power high. He blinked at you and started to trip over his words, realizing just how crazy he would look right now if you weren't actually hiding Micheal.

"M-My apologies (Y/n), but just know that I seen the way Micheal looks at you and you to it. It isn't just some guy, it's a dangerous thing from the depths of hell that was somehow released in Handon Field, still not sure why. But he is and I think he is making you his main priority right now! That or his house, but the police now have that place cleared with no sign of Micheal, so my only guess left was your place!" Loomis shouts in somewhat of a last chance to make you admit where Micheal was. "I'm sorry Loomis, but Micheal is not and was never here. He's probably out hiding somewhere waiting for the heat to die down before killing again! And because of that I decided that I'm going on a weeks vacation out where he cannot find me," little does Loomis know is that Micheal will be attending said trip. Sorry mom and sorry Loomis, but I just lost my job and I now have people intruding into my personal space so I need to do me right now!

"Oh well I'm glad you're taking some precautions then..I'm sorry for jumping to any conclusions about this whole awful situation. I'll be on my way and please excuse my poor behaviour," and with that Loomis left while taking further glances around your house as he left. As soon as Loomis shuts the front door you let out a huge sigh of relief. You shake your head and go to turn when-Eek! You bumped into something or other someone hard. You feel your feet slip out from under you and your eyes widen. A sudden hand is wrapped around your wrist and your are pulled towards Micheal with ease. He lets go when you are close and tilts his head at you. "I'm okay, but jeez we need to stop bumping into each other like this," you smile sheepishly and rub the back of your neck.

You are suddenly flashed back to a certain someone leaving you to fend for yourself against Dr. Loomis. "Why and where did you leave me like that?" Micheal pulls out the note book and scribbles "I figured it would've been best if you handled him and talked him down. Besides. I was listening and was ready to protect you." Your hear skips a beat reading that last part. You look up that the nonchalant killer who just said something that seems so normal to him. His deep blue eyes normally held no emotion but they always seem to make your heart flutter whenever he looks makes eye contact with you. That was the first time anyone has told me that. Well besides your father.

"You said 'trip' before? Where are we going?" Micheal wrote and tilted his head slightly at you, waiting for your response. "Well uhm because of you escaping, both Loomis and the police seem pretty keen on to securing your and my house.. probably our whole street. So we should both get out of here together and let the heat die down! It will look like I'm just taking a break from after losing my job," you close your eyes and rub the back of your neck. "And to be completely fair I'll know you can't hurt anyone out where I plan on taking you," you admitted sleepily. "Hm" you hear a deep voice barely above an whisper let out a small chuckle.

You opened your eyes to see Micheal's head tilted to the side and his eyes shut. They were shut due to him..smiling? And was that a laugh you heard? You could feel your cheeks heat up with a pink glow "uhm did you just laugh?" All you get was a small shrug from Micheal, he is so puzzling. "So you're just wasting all of these pieces of paper when you can talk?" Micheal shrugged again and you just roll your eyes and shake your head with a smile. "Oh I almost forgot I should probably call the cabin's office to see if they have any openings," you say and walk past Micheal to the kitchen, where your house phone is.

You pick up the phone that was placed on the counter and started dial the familiar number. It rang a couple of times as Micheal walked next to you and slowly stole a piece of nearby bacon. He couldn't help it! It smelt so good! Micheal slowly lifted the strip of delicious meat under and up his mask. "English Town Campground how may I help you?" You hear a familiar voice beckon from the other end of the line. "Hey Janice! It's me
(Y/n)! And I was wondering if you have anything available for the next four days?" "Oh (Y/n)! It's so lovely hearing you again! Yes as a matter of fact we do sweetheart," "awesome but is there anything available with two beds?" "They are all booked up sweetheart I'm sorry but how about I give you, me and Jerry's personal cabin for the weekend? I know it still only has one bed but I just want to make up for any inconvenience that this may have caused," Janice breathed out with a sad sigh. Wow you weren't expecting her to offer her cabin personal cabin up for you like that. You only met Jerry and Janice two summers ago when you and your college friends booked one of their cabins. Your friends met these two young guys who happened to be the owner of the campgrounds son's. They introduced your group to their parents, Janice and Jerry. And so every summer after that you'd stay at their campground.

"Oh it's okay Janice and thank you very much for offering your cabin but I'm fine with just the regular cabins!" You exclaimed, "Nonsense dear you are so good to me and Jerry it's the least I can do," "Thank you very much," "You're welcome sweetheart and have a good rest of your day!" Janice breathed out cheerfully. "You too Janice goodbye!" "Bye (Y/n)!" and with that she ended the call. You turn to Micheal and gave him a small smile. "I just need to go pack a few things then we can head off!" You exclaimed and Micheal gave you a nod in response.

time skip to 8:00pm

You let out a huff and you loaded in the last bag into your trunk. Finally.. now we can head on the road. This trip is definitely what the two of us need. With all of these people quite literally barging in on me it's going to be nice to have some quiet time. And good timing with the police still looking for Micheal. He definitely needs a good break from everything too.

You shut your car's trunk and head in side to get the last piece of luggage..Micheal Myers. You couldn't help feel a wave of nervousness wash over you worrying that he will..well kill somebody there. You enter your front door with car keys in hand and call out to your mysterious roommate; "Micheal! It's time to go now," you beckon and feel a slight breeze to your right causing you to glance over towards the sudden draft. Your eyes meet the navy jumpsuit's chest and you look up to see blue eyes booming down at you through the shadow casted on the iconic white mask. "Eek!" You yelp and stumble back into your nearby coat rack causing all of its belongings to fall all over you.

Micheal's eyes widen with a certain amount of shock and mostly surprise. He immediately panicked thinking you have gotten hurt and went to reach down to help but stopped with a pause when he sees the state you are in. You had fallen onto your knees causing the coats to be sprawled all over you. Your eyes meet his with a widened expression and you couldn't help but let out a laugh and rub the back of your neck. "Whoops, I wasn't expecting you to come so fast to my call heh," you smiled up at the astounded killer. His blue eyes were wide with a hint relief. He was happy that you were not hurt.

Micheal watched on as you stood up and brushed off yourself of any dust or wrinkles on your clothes. He picked up the coat rack and started to place your fallen jackets on it. You couldn't help but smile to yourself seeing Micheal help you with no hesitation. He was definitely mysterious. You picked up the last coat and place it on the rack before Micheal could grab it. He watched on, his eyes never leaving yours as you did your task. You finish and turned towards the killer with a small smile, "so are you ready to get out of here? Just the two of us?" The two of us? He couldn't help but feel a certain sense of tightness in his chest when he heard you speak of you guys like that. What is this feeling..?


Word count: 1856

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2024 ⏰

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