Chapter 6: Desperate

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This chapter contains heavily graphic descriptions of murder. This may not be suitable for all readers so please you may skip this chapter if you are unable to read. Skipping this chapter won't affect the story so you won't miss anything! This chapter follows Micheal after hearing the news of (Y/N) being fired. Happy reading! ~ Author

—————————————————————                          Micheal's POV

It has been about forty-five minutes since (Y/N) was taken by those guards. She said she would be right back but this is taking too long. There have been plenty of times when she was called down to Loomis' office but this time feels different. I repeat the scene of (Y/N) saying "I'll be right back Micheal," over and over again. And each time my rage slowly builds.

KILL THEM MICHEAL, THEY HAVE TAKEN YOUR (Y/N) AWAY- No! She always comes back to me. She has to come back to me. I've never felt anything but rage before (Y/N). I still need to know why the voices disappear whenever she is near me. I still need to know why she's slowly becoming a part of my thoughts. Or why she isn't afraid of me.

I let out a sigh attempting to relieve myself from the internal battle within my thoughts. The voices seem to be more persistent than usual. They are just screaming to KILL.. but I can't. I would be sent to solitary confinement for any kind of assault. Who knows how many days I spent in there and I gladly don't want to go back.

The noise of two people walking back to my cell filled my room as it echoed through the hallway. They stopped in front of my cell and the two men started chatting away. "Good riddance, finally that prissy brat of a woman is gone," "Jerry is going to be happy with the news after what they did to him," Gone? (Y/N) is GONE?! After hearing what the two guards said it sounds like the guy who I held up in the air is the cause of her leaving. I clench my jaw and grip onto my desk. The desk started to break with tiny snaps of wood splitting where my fingers were placed.

All I can see is black. The rage is that strong I can't even see anymore. I never felt like this since the night I killed my sister and stepfather. KILL THEM ALL MICHEAL! WE NEED (Y/N)! KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL. The voices all collectively started to chant the word 'Kill' and with that, I hid one of my paint brushes up my sleeve and waited for my prey to come to me.

                            ~Time skip~

"Micheal it's time to take back your art supplies for the night, you know the rules!" The sound of keys shaking filled the room and the door flew open. In came Jerry. Perfect. Just the man I wanted to see. The man who has taken (Y/N) away. The man who will start my night off with satisfaction. Jerry made his way to the box of paint and paintbrushes. There was no fear in Jerry's eyes as he followed the regular practice of taking the supplies.

He then turned to me as I sat in the same position where (Y/N) had left me. "You know it's such a shame I didn't get with that nurse of yours before she left. I mean heck if you got lucky with her then I definitely would've been able to get lucky as well," my jaw clenches as the darkness of over a decade of rage building up is finally about to overtake me once again. "She is such a hot little thing. The things I would do to her-" With one hand I take out the paintbrush and jam it into his right eye socket. The paintbrush went in with such ease that he didn't even make a sound. The only sound that did come out of him was his lifeless body hitting the ground.

I let out a sigh of relief as over a decade of frustration was melted away with one swing. It was just a big weight off my chest. I roll my shoulders and neck as a smirk slowly creeps upon my face. It felt good. And the voices are quieter too so that's a plus.

I quickly grab Jerry's keys and exit my room. There was no one around but a janitor at the end of the hallway with headphones in. He was wearing a blue navy jumpsuit and heck it may even fit me because this guy is big. I started my stalk on this janitor making use of the shadows due to the dimmed night lights.

The janitor has his back towards me. God this is almost to easy for me. I make my way behind him and stab him in with the bloodied paintbrush, also in the eye to make sure I reach the brain and not to have anyone notify the others. The janitor's limp body fell with a thud that echoed in the hallway. I watch his body twitch as the last few ounces of blood and soul trickle out of his body. With a quick zip, I removed his jumpsuit and enter the nearby janitor's closet to change.

It feels good not being in the same uniform anymore. The clothes we had to wear here were cheap and scratchy, but the jumpsuit feels warm and comfortable. I looked around the janitor's closet to make sure I wasn't going to leave anything useful behind. After doing a full check over only I found some money on the desk and a multitool there as well.

I need to make my way over to Dr. Loomis' office. That's where my belongings are. And maybe I could find something to figure out where (Y/N) lives. I need to see her again, I'm not sure why I need to see her again but I just do. I exit the janitor's closet and make my way to Loomis' office.

I attempted to open the door but of course, it was locked. Well..looks like we're doing this the loud way now. I take a step back and turn slightly to my side to slam my way through the door with a thud. The door and frame splinters and I'm in.

I make my way to his desk and open up his bottom drawer. Sure enough, the white mask was there. I smirk as pick it up and place it on my head. Where it belongs. I immediately feel the comfort of knowing my face is hidden and let out a sigh of relief. I'm back.

With that, I look down around Loomis' desk for anything that could lead me to (Y/N). I let out an audible sigh after finding a file with (Y/N)'s name in bold red ink. I open up the file scan through it and raise my eyebrows when I see '706 Meridian Avenue, Haddonfield Illinois'. That's near my old house..huh this is easier than I thought-*BANG* I immediately feel a stinging sensation in my right shoulder. I duck behind Loomis' desk and place my hand on my new wound.

"Come on out Micheal! I went to go inform you about (Y/N) losing her job only to find Jerry and Bob dead and you missing!" Loomis's voice boomed throughout his office. I can hear his slow steps making his way over to his desk where I'm currently bleeding all over the place. I guess I'm rusty or was distracted by (Y/N). Either way, I didn't even hear Loomis come in. "I finally have an excuse to kill you and save this world from the likes of you," Loomis was right by his desk and when I saw his leg I took the multi-tool I have previously found and jammed it right in my lower leg earning a very loud scream from Loomis. He falls with a thud along with his gun that fell out of his hand.

I stand over Loomis looking down directly over his head. I can see the wave of fear wash over him like floodgates were opened. I've waited for this moment for so long. I've waited to finally kill this sorry excuse of a human. "Micheal! Don't!" Loomis pleads. I raise my leg to step onto his face only to see a security guard step into the office's door frame with his weapon drawn. I quickly ducked as a shot was fired. The bullet hit the nearby window and with that, I quickly jumped out of it.

"Micheal get back here!" Loomis screamed. I landed on the hard ground with a thud and it knocked the wind right out of me. 'That's going to hurt tomorrow' I thought as I got up and run through the forest. I definitely have some running to do to get back to Handon Field. Back to (Y/N).

                            ~time skip~

Haddonfield. It feels good to be back. I was currently walking through people's backyards on Meridian Avenue so as to not cause unwanted attention from bystanders. I should be getting close to (Y/N)'s house now. I have to be. I need to be. Thankfully these houses have the house numbers on the back of their homes.

'704' I'm almost there. I'm almost back to (Y/N). I pick up my speed and start jogging towards her house. I reach the back door and just as I am about to knock on the door I hear multiple sirens coming up fast. Shit. I knock on (Y/N)'s door very fast and desperate.

It takes a couple of seconds for the door to slowly open and a pair of big (e/c) looking up into my eyes. I let out a sigh of relief finally seeing her. "M-Micheal?!"

Word Count: 1669

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