~Chapter 6~

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"Who are you? And wha' are you doin on my island?!"

I feel like he needed to know who exactly was invading this hunk of trash, so I lifted up my mask to reviel my scared eye. His eyes widened in shock. "But I thought you were dead." Walking closer and closer to him as he shrunk smaller and smaller into a ball in the ground. I grabed him by the collar, and before knocking his lights out, I whispered, "I survived."


Running down the hallway, I made it to the basement where I saw 2D on the feed. The cyborg was with him. Perfect. I made my way to a thick looking metal door with a metal crank. I quickly opened it with all my might and soon I met face to face with my imposter.


I could here footsteps running down the hallway and getting closer. My first assumption was that it was Murdoc, but they sounded lighter and less clunky. Besides, since when would Murdoc ever run? The foosteps then reached the door, stopped, then I could here the door opening. Who else would know about me down here? Then I saw a familiar cat mask. I tried to place it, but immediately got my answer when I saw it accompanied by shaggy purple hair.


"2D! You're okay!"

I was so happy to see him. Until the cyborg ruined the moment.


I quickly grabed 2D's hand and ran as fast as I could with him. We wpuld be going faster if 2D wasn't so slow. "Come one, 2D! Run! We uave ro get out of here!"

"I understand that, but I'm just glad you're alive."

We ran as it trailed us. Finally, we made it outside where I continuously called for Russel. "Russel's 'here too?"

Suddenly, the cyborg burst through the door and it immediately turned to me. It probably has the orders to not hurt 2D cause of how well he can sing. I flee from my standing point and take reffuge behind a tree where 2D sits beside me, his eyes pure white with fear.

"What are we gonna do?!"

"Calm down. Russel should be here any second."

Finally I hear it start to reload. I take this opportunity to shoot it as much as I can. I miss a few times, making it laugh, until I get a perfect shot right through the chest. It twitches sparks until hitting the sand with a loud THUNK! I walk over to the corpse of my dead clone as it leaks buckets of oil from it's wound. Russel then emerges from the water as he finishes eating what seems to be a whale.

"C'mon. Let's get out of here."


While riding Russel, 2D and I sit next to each other in awkward silence. I feel so nercous around him now. Why is that? I've never felt this flustered around him before. Why do I feel like this? He turns his head to me as he breaks the silence, "Hey, Noods, I've been thinkin' an' I need to tell ya somefink." Blushing furiously now, I turn to face him, "What's up?"

"Well, I know we've been bandmates for a while now, an' I dunno when I started feeling like this, but I just want to say that I've kinda had a crush on you fo' a while."

"Y-you have...?"

"Yeah. Stupid, I know. But I don't even fink I just like you, I fink I--"

I cut him off with something I never thought I'd ever do; I kissed him. Wow. This doesn't feel so bad. Hey. I like this. We finally break apart and look into each other's eyes. They're so dark. Like just big gaping holes in his head. They were so mysterious yet so soothing. "2D?"


"I love you..."

He smiled with his crooked teeth, "I luv you too, Noods."

Russel then, of course broke the moment, "You try anythin' on her, D, I will snap you like a twig. Got it." He gulped at the threat and shook a little while nodding his head yes frantically. We held hands and cuddled the rest of the way back to England.

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