Chapter 7

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"That bastard!" Jingyi hissed, her voice low and laced with fury. "Curse him! Curse him!"

Her lady, a woman whose face held the wisdom of countless seasons, leaned closer. "What's wrong, Jingyi? You look like you could storm a palace."

Jingyi forced a smile, her hand trembling as she set the food upon the table. "Nothing, my lady. Just saw a creature outside."

Her lady's eyes twinkled, a knowing glint in their depths. "You've been arguing with Prince Jiao again, haven't you? You two are not children anymore, Jingyi. You must behave properly in front of everyone, or you'll never have a chance to create a family."

Jingyi's heart lurched. "Create a family?" she echoed, her voice barely a whisper. The words hung in the air, heavy and laden with unspoken meaning.

Her lady, oblivious to the turmoil swirling within her, chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm just teasing. But time flies, Jingyi. You're not a young girl anymore."

Jingyi's smile faltered, replaced by a grimace of despair. She was young. She was still young. To be married, to be bound, to be… trapped.

"Alright, alright," her lady said, her voice softening. "Don't make that face. Let's just eat." She rose, her hand gently resting on Jingyi's shoulder.


The Emperor, a man whose every move radiated power, meticulously placed a black stone on the go board, his brow furrowed in concentration. General Xiâng, his weathered face a testament to years of service, mirrored his focus, a quiet tension filling the air.

"You haven't visited your daughter this week, General Xiâng," the Emperor remarked.

"I will go there before going home today, Your Majesty, before they set off tomorrow," General Xiâng responded, his voice carrying the weight of a lifetime of duty.

The Emperor nodded, his gaze lingering on the intricate dance of black and white stones on the board. A announcement from a eunuch interrupted their silent communion.

"Your Majesty, Prince Jiao is here," announced the Eunuch.

"Let him in," the Emperor commanded, his voice regaining its authoritative tone.

The Eunuch bowed and retreated, the sound of his footsteps fading as he went to fetch the Prince.

Prince Jiao, his youthful face bearing the weight of his princely lineage, entered the study. "Greetings, Father. Greetings, General Xiâng," he said, bowing respectfully.

"Rise," the Emperor responded, his gaze shifting from the go board to his son.

"Thank you, Father," Prince Jiao said, straightening his posture. He looked at his father, a question in his eyes. "I wonder why you made me come here, Father. Is there something you need me to do?"

"You came from your brother's residence, right?" the Emperor asked, his attention returning to the go board.

"Yes, Father. You said Brother will go to the border with the two daughters of General Xiâng, so I visited him before they leave," Prince Jiao explained.

"Yes, and I need you to go there as well, to gather experience. I've already sent a letter to your brother. He should have received it by now. You also need to go out and experience life at the border," the Emperor said, his voice firm yet tinged with a hint of concern.

"I understand, Father. I shall go now and prepare," Prince Jiao said, his voice filled with a newfound sense of purpose.

"Prince Jiao, before you go, can I ask how my daughter is doing?" General Xiâng asked, his voice laced with worry.

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