Chapter 8

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The journey to the border continued, and the travelers found themselves seeking respite in a quaint village. The villagers welcomed them with open arms, their hospitality warming the hearts of the weary travelers. Xiu Ying, whose own past was intertwined with the simple life of a village, found herself lost in reminiscence as she stood on the terrace, gazing into the distance.

"My lady," Jingyi, ever observant, noticed her mistress's faraway look. "Do you want to get stronger?" she asked, the question seemingly out of the blue.

Jingyi, taken aback, pondered the question before answering, "Yes, my lady. I want to become stronger."

"That is good to hear," Xiu Ying replied, a hint of sadness lacing her voice. "For only with strength and power can you truly protect those you care for."

"Is something troubling you, my lady? You seem a bit withdrawn tonight," Jingyi inquired, concern etched on her face.

Xiu Ying sighed, her gaze distant. "Back when I lived in a village, I experienced things I could never have imagined while at the residence. I felt the warmth of a family, the true meaning of belonging. It was there that I truly became human, experiencing the full spectrum of emotions. I was so grateful to have met them, to have known their love, their laughter. But they were not fortunate to meet me. I stole their lives, their dignity, their joy, everything they held dear. No one was spared, not even the innocent, not even a newborn or a baby in the womb." Her voice trembled, her fist clenched, and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Jingyi, listening intently, felt a pang of sorrow. She had never imagined her mistress harbored such a tragic past.

"I didn't have enough power back then to protect them," Xiu Ying continued, her voice filled with a raw, unyielding anger. "That's why they were all killed by those people. They are my targets. The hatred within me will never cease until I have brought them all down. I will not let anyone escape, nor will I allow anyone to protect them. If anyone dares to stand in my way, to shield them from my wrath, they will become my enemy."

"My lady," Jingyi declared with unwavering determination, "if that day comes, I will stand by your side. I will help you seek your revenge."

Unbeknownst to them, Prince Jiao and Prince Yingzi were listening from a distance. They exchanged a knowing glance before quietly slipping away.

"Brother," Jiao asked, "did you know about what happened in the village Xiu Ying spoke of?"

"I only know that a band of mountain robbers plundered the village and killed everyone," Yingzi replied. "My investigations revealed that the robbers were killed long ago. Hearing this from her, I suspect someone powerful is trying to cover up the truth. She knows who is responsible, but my subordinates can't uncover any details. Ying'er is shrouded in mystery. She possesses information I haven't been able to unearth. I wonder who is backing her, who has the power to conceal such a truth. If we make them our enemy, they will be a formidable force to reckon with."

"That's why we can't let Xiu Ying become our enemy," Jiao said. "We should try to befriend her, like we were when we were children." He paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "By the way, I've discovered the origin of her black zither."

Yingzi's brow furrowed in confusion. "Is there something wrong with her zither?"

Jiao nodded, his voice grave. "The origin of that zither is not a good sign. My informants say it was crafted by a skilled artisan, but this craftsman is not to be trifled with. He is very dangerous."

Yingzi's curiosity was piqued. "Tell me more."

"I couldn't learn his true name," Jiao continued, "but I did manage to find out his alias. I believe you know him by his codename: Blood Rain."

Yingzi's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you sure it's Blood Rain?"

"Yes," Jiao confirmed. "Blood Rain retired when he was only forty years old and became a craftsman. But rumors say he was working with someone, a member of an unknown force."

Yingzi's mind raced. "I'm surprised that Xiu Ying's black zither was made by him. Perhaps someone she knows was acquainted with Blood Rain. Or, worse, maybe she is his acquaintance."

"We can't draw conclusions without solid evidence," Jiao said. "There is one thing I discovered. I found initials engraved on the zither."

Yingzi leaned in, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"C.S.E.E," Jiao revealed. "I have no information about it. Perhaps you can find something."

The moment those initials were uttered, a wave of recognition washed over Yingzi. He knew them. He couldn't possibly forget them.

"Jiao," he said, his voice laced with urgency, "never mention those initials to anyone. It could put your life in danger."

"Why? Do you know what they mean?" Jiao asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"I'm certain about the first three initials," Yingzi replied, his expression grave. "But the last one, I have no idea."

"What do the first three initials mean?" Jiao pressed.

"Crimson Shadow's Empire," Yingzi whispered, his voice barely audible.

Jiao's face blanched. "That can't be. She can't be a member of that organization."

"It's possible," Yingzi said, his voice steady despite the shock. "Her zither has four initials. She could be an important part of that organization."

Jiao was stunned into silence. The girl he knew, the girl he had grown up with, could be a member of that infamous organization.

"That explains why she fights so skillfully," he murmured, his mind reeling. "It turns out she was an assassin."

He chuckled, a nervous sound that betrayed his inner turmoil. "This information is overwhelming. I need to calm down and relax. I'll leave you here, brother." Jiao turned and walked away, his mind racing with the implications of this revelation.

                          Yingzi POV

Crimson Shadow's Empire is a force to be reckoned with, a shadowy entity whispered about in hushed tones.  In times of war, many have sought their aid, only to be met with a resounding refusal. Their power is undeniable; having them on your side guarantees victory.  It's said that the organization is as vast as a nation, with countless followers, yet their whereabouts remain a closely guarded secret. The identity of their leader is equally elusive, shrouded in mystery.

Knowing that Ying'er might be a member of this organization sheds light on her enigmatic personality.  Crimson Shadow's Empire is infamous for its ruthlessness, its thirst for blood. Yet, Ying'er seems to possess a darkness that goes beyond mere bloodlust. Perhaps her past experiences have shaped her into something even more formidable.  It seems she truly is extraordinary.

Given the organization's expertise in poisons, perhaps Ying'er could offer invaluable assistance in my search for an antidote.  If she is indeed a member of Crimson Shadow's Empire, her knowledge could be the key to unlocking this crucial solution.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03 ⏰

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