Chapter 8

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Around 1 Kaede and Shuichi both left but Miu decided to stay longer.

"So... whats up with you and Shuichi?" she asks while she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Oh fuck off Miu, it was one night we didnt even do anything." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah sure." She says rolling her eyes too. Once it hits exactly 2pm the maids and buttlers came back and I greated Kirumi.

Around 7pm Miu left to go back to her house so her step dad wouldnt kill her, and I was left alone in my room. Since I'm alone I got bored, and maybe a bit depressed. I looked over to my dresser and thought about the heroin in the top drawer. I think fuck it as I take the baggie and spoon out. I light it with one of the lighters I use to light up my joints, once its melted I put a peice of cotton into the spoon and take out the needle, I suck out the heroin into the needle and roll up my sleeve. I wrap some craft tape around the top of my arm and inject the heroin into my vein.

After only a couple of seconds I feel it hit and i flop back onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. As I stare at it it looks like the whole room is spinning, this is one of the best highs ive ever had. I eventually pass out and I wake up the next day at around 3pm, damn I slept for almost 15 hours.

I decide to check my phone since I have been awall for almost the past day and I see a missed call from Shuichi of all people. I click on it and call him back, he picks up on only the second ring.

"Hey whyd you call me, whats up?" I ask tiredly over the phone.

"Oh sorry yeah I just realized I left my clothes at your house and was wondering if I could come pick them up?" He ashs shyly.

"Hm oh yeah of course you can come over whenever to get them, but Miu is probably gonna come over today so she may be here." I say just assuming Miu wants to come over today.

"Alright thats fine thank you Kokichi." He says sweetly and it made my heart flutter.

"Of course see ya soon Shumai!" I say giggling as I hang up. Once I hang up I decide to call Miu, and she picks up almost immediately as well.

"Hey can I come over?" She says just as she picks up.

"Uh duh why do you think im calling you?" I say sarcastically.

"Don't be a bitch." She hangs up on me after that, so she will probably be here soon. After around 15 minutes Kirumi knocks on my door and I open it to see her with Miu right behind her.

"Sup Miu, by the way Shuichi is coming over sometime too, he has to pick up the clothes he left here." As I say this Kirumis eyes widden as she speaks up.

"A boy left his clothes here?" She says suprised.

"He just forgot to bring them home Kiru, we didnt do anything." I say with a slight giggle and I see her have a sigh of relief, Im not sure why, ive had plenty of guys over. Miu and I hang out for a while then theres another knock on my door, I open it to see Kirumi again with Shuichi.

"Hey Shuichi come on in!" I say excitedly.

"H-hey guys..." He says awkwardly.

"Im not sure where youre clothes are to be honest, theyve gotta be in jere somewhere though if you wanna look." I say and he nods slightly.

He starts to walk around and searched my room looking for his clothes and eventually looks under my bed and I see him reach under, so I assume he found his clothes.

"Hey did you find them?" I yell out.

"Uh- n-not exactly... but uhm Kokichi?" He says in a weird tone.

"Uh yeah?" I say making fun of his stutter and Miu laughs.

"Whats this needle for?" He says while holding the needle that must of fallen under my bed. I straighten up, how do I repond to this???

"Uh, its for uhm my diabetes?" I say slowly and Miu glares at me.

"KOKICHI WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Miu says as she grabs the needle. "You're actually fucking joking, you didnt!"

I sigh as she yells at me. "Look Miu calm down its not a big deal."

"Wa-it, what is it for, is it- for..." He says slowly stopping himself, clearly not knowing what to say.

"FUCKING HEROIN KOKICHI?!? Look ill do some hard shit every now and then but you did fucking heroin?!?" She screams at me again, and Shuichis eyes widden as he looks back at the needle.

"Its not a big deal, I just found some, and you know, I kinda wanted to try it..." I say slowly.

"Fuck you're actually an idiot! First the cutting and the starving, then you were drinking a shit ton on coke on friday, and now fucking heroin? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" She says  screaming.

"Look calm the fuck down ok?!?" I yell back "You actually need to learn to fuck off you whore, its my buisness you dont need to get involved everytime something goes wrong in my life!"

"Im your best friend Kokichi! Of course Im gonna fucking worry about you!" She screams with some tears in her eyes.

"Then dont be my best friend." I say blankly as her eyes widden and she storms out of my room.

"K-kokichi?" Shuichi stutters.

"FUCK, what?!?" I say after ai forgot he was there. "Sorry you had to see that I forgot you were here, please just leave." I say as I sit on my bed.

"Are you gonna be ok if I leave? I dont want you to do anything, well drastic..." He says.

"Ill be fine, just- get out. Please."I say as he sighs and walks out my door.

Once hes goneI sigh. Im so gonna kill myself.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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