Chapter 1

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Hey everyone!! I'm soooo excited about this book and I really hope you guys like it :) It is a 1D fan fic, it isn't really romantic but if you want it to be it can be, just tell me in the comments. Even if you don't like 1D please give this book a try, I will try to update a lot because I really like books like this :)



I dip the mop into the suds for the millionth time, when Mrs Spencer came in again and said it wasn't clean enough. I have been doing this for about 7 hours and the floor cannot as in CANNOT get any cleaner. I hate this place. I may be onto 3 years old but I still know that this place isn't an adoption centre, it's hell with a different name. I dream every day of getting out of this place. Or even, getting adopted? The thought is just so unreal. Literally unreal. This hellhole looks like a dump. No one has ever come in her to adopt any of us and Mrs Spencer tells us about it everyday, how she has to put up with us and feed us and we do both for her, when really we do everything for her, she sits there and orders us around all day - everyday.

But today I saw a big bus with 1D on the side of it. "Huh?" I wondered out loud. What's that? They must be pretty rich to have a bus that big. All the girls sprinted to the door with our eyes like cod fish, because no one had EVER come to our adoption centre (I can see why), let alone a massive bus!! This is the most unexpected event in my life and even if they're gonna adopt someone (which I highly doubt once they see this place, even with all our polishing and mopping this place is still a trash heap) they won't adopt me. I'm small for my age, or so Mrs Spencer says.

I rush to the door to get it then I get trampled by Big Hattie (she got that names because she's fat), and she kicks all the other girls out the way, breaking a few bones in the process.

I try to get to the side of the squishy room to avoid getting hurt even more from the stampede of elephants (the other girls but that's exactly what they look like) that are barging through the door because we have NEVER and I mean NEVER get people coming here. I myself am interested but I'm not going through that pain to be able to see who's there.

The doorbell rings and I hear Mrs Spencer come running/stomping/making an earthquake down the halls in an attempt to get to the door faster. She rushes through the girls that for once aren't a king a massive path for her, and opens the door. "Hello?" She says cheerfully. All of us girls look at each other in complete and utter amazement. We have NEVER heard Mrs Spencer say anything, let alone say it nicely. She only barks orders at us and yells at us for not doing our chores good enough.

None of the girls have actually seen who's at the door apart from Mrs Spencer because she's blocking the doorway with her stocky figure. But seeing as she is smiling brightly and fixing her hair and rearranging her boobs slowly so they'll notice then pulling her top down so there's a lot of cleavage showing, I think the boys at the door would be really hot. And right I was. They were pretty cute. And that's coming from a 3 year old (Would you believe it?!) who sounds 13, because I've grown up with girls who are 13+

They came in and I started walking away because of all the screaming, it was literally bursting my eardrums. Then I looked back and saw the tanned boy pointing at Christina. I immediately widened my eyes in horror. NO!! Even though I didn't know these guys, I knew that they definitely did NOT want to pick her. She was really two faced. She acts nice then she a full on B*TCH when no one is around. She's only popular in the orphanage because everyone's scared if her. Once she ripped a chunk of hair out of a nice, sweet and thoughtful girl named Lilly's head because she stood up for me when she peeped in and saw Christina being a b*tch to me. But, of course, she got away with it. I have NO idea how, I was only 2 at the time. My mind came back to what was happening now. No no no. I sprinted back to the group, slipped on the floor that was still wet from someone mopping it and face planted the concrete.

I wanted to cry because that's what someone my age would do, but I didn't. I held it in. "Hahahahahahahahahaha" all the girls laughed at me and no one, and I mean NO ONE would even THINK of helping me up. But then I felt a strong hand go underneath my belly and lift me up, saying, "are you ok?" "Wait, what?" I asked. "Are you ok princess?" The blond one asked me. His blue eyes looked concerned.

Well, at least I caught their attention before they picked Christina. Talking of Christina.. Oh no no no. Do NOT look that way Selena. She was giving me a death glare bigger than what Mrs Spencer gives us when we giggle or laugh (which she hates with all her might, so you could probably imagine how much she would glare). I looked back at who was still holding me, a bit awkwardly like he'd never held a little girl before. He had brown curly hair and he was smiling. Aww!! He looks so cute when he smiles.

Stop Selena. You're not meant to be thinking about this random cute guy's smile, you should be running to the bathroom and locking the door before Christina eats you alive (not an exaggeration). But somehow I couldn't bring myself to run away and hide like I usually do. Instead, I looked up and smiled. I forgot about the world, and Christina, all I could see was the curly haired boy and his smile.

Ok. Time to snap out of it. I finally got out of my trance, and now the boys were looking at me with weird looks (I'm sorry if I creeped you out boys!!) I thought. They looked at me with love and I finally felt like I wasn't invisible for once. I liked these guys. 

Then they turned around. I looked at them with wide eyes as they made a little huddle and whispered to each other.  Now I could see Christina again. No. NO!! She kicked me full on in the gut and the guys turned around just as her foot made contact with me. "I think we'll take Chri.." They saw Christina kicking me, and they gasped. I just clenched my jaw, I had taken kicks like this all my life. 

Long story short, they got REALLY mad at Christina and the blond boy yelled "how DARE you hurt my princess!!!!!!" Then they went to Mrs Spencer and said they've decided on me. ME?!?! Did I just hear properly????!!! Oh my god!!!!!!! THIS IS SOOOO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! They argued for about 15 minutes, Mrs Spencer making up ridiculous lies about how I stole and they should pick a different girl, and that Christina just accidently kicked me, which I scoffed at. They said she should be happy she's getting someone to buy one of the kids out of this orphanage, which is when Mrs Spencer shut up, THANK GOD!!!!! 

They then took me out of the orphanage and I looked around  in awe. Wow. So this is what the outside world looked like. I smiled up at the boy with brown hair who was holding my hand. He was bending down so he could hold my hand, and all the boys were looking down at me smiling. 

I could tell already I would love living with them. 


Ok, so I hope you enjoyed that chapter, don't worry chapter 2 will skip to when she's older. By the way, this book if part of a series, and I'll try to make this book 20-30 chapters long. I will update 1 or 2 chapters per week, so yeah.

I have been reading a book on Wattpad and the author made a goal for votes and comments before she would update the next chapter.

My goal this time is just 5 votes and 5 comments so please, or 10-20 reads. I would love to hear your feedback and what you think of it :) thanks a lot

Love you xx

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