Chapter 6

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Hey guys sorry i haven't updated in a while, my wattpad wouldn't let me in so this is off Ash's Ash_horan5 wattpad. Anyway enjoy!!
Chapter 6

I walked down the path casually, trying not to look evil. I was doing that typical Disney evil laugh and doing the hand thing in my head, while thinking of how to plan out this prank. Haha, Niall was gonna kill me, even if this was revenge. Yes, this was going to be a bit over the top on my part, but I just really want to do it!!

I finally got to the front door of my house, and walked in, looking casual. (I hope!!) I just saw Niall's little cute innocent face peeking out of the bathroom door before he slammed it shut and locked it when he saw me walk it. Oh yeah, I should pretend I'm mad at him, shouldn't I? So he doesn't suspect that I'm thinking up my plan of amazing revenge.

"NIALL JAMES HORAN!!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could, actually scaring myself. Wow. That's weird. Then I stomped up the stairs like I was an 8 year old brat who didn't get the iPhone 6 plus. I banged on the door with my hand, OW!!! That really hurt!! I kissed my hand better then yelled at Niall to open the fricken door. "NOO!!" He yelled back at me. "I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!!!!" He yelled. "Niall, we both know that in about 5 minutes you'll be starving and you'll have to come out. I'll be waiting!!" Bam. Rub that in your face Niall. Haha. I'm so mean. Now I felt bad. Oh well. Niall didn't respond. I seriously couldn't be bothered waiting here for him. Anyway, I was going to plan my revenge. I just realised I was really hungry. Actually, starving. Haha!! I laughed to myself. Here I was lecturing Niall about him being starving when I was going down to get food before him. While I was skipping to the stairs I heard Niall slide down the side of the door and groan. Haha!! He was probably groaning with hunger. Poor Niall!! I decided to pretend it was a truce so he wouldn't suspect anything. I'm hoping he's not smart enough to realise that I would never give up without a fight.

I started walking/falling down the stairs, too eager to get food. I really feel like Niall. Oh crap. I went into the pantry and wailed "We have no food Zayn!!" I don't think he's awake, because the boys had a concert last night, and they were always pretty tired after that. I think Niall is the only one awake, because he got a nandos voucher. After standing in the pantry for like 5 minutes my grumbling belly got the best if me and I just picked up a half eaten packed of shapes, I think they were pizza flavoured. I'm not even gonna tell you my guess of who ate the other half of the packet. I sighed out loud. I think I closed my eyes when I sighed because I felt someone's hand grab the shapes out if my hand then run away, and I opened my eyes. There was Niall, running cheekily up the stairs.

"Hey Niall!!" I yelled after him. "Tru.." I was about to say truce but he had already ran into his bedroom this time, and I could hear him dragging stuff across the room so j couldn't get in. Oh poor Niall. He didn't think this out very well. His bedroom door is pull open from the outside, so piling stuff up on the inside isn't going to do zip. I walked up the stairs quietly, still loving the feel of the cream coloured fluffy carpet beneath my feet.

I then swiftly opened the door and saw Niall's eyes pop open from him being sprawled all over his bed. "Niall.." I started, but he immediately stood up and came back holding a guitar in his hands. "Niall, you know you can't hit me with that. Zayn will murder you." I reminded him. "Nah, I'm too cute." He said, smiling that cute smile. Dang it!! He was cute. And he was right. "But Niall, I was gonna say truce." I told him, thankful that I could say it finally. Wow. He was sorta smart. He had his eyebrow up and looked like he wasn't convinced.

"No, really." I reassured him. "Okaaay.." He said, walking back towards his massive walk in robe, probably to put his guitar back. "Hey Nialler, are the other boys asleep?" I asked. "Yep," he said winking, and making my spine tingle. Ugh, what was with me today? It was as if every boy just turned me on. Seriously Selena?! I asked myself, being the weirdo that I am.

I walked out towards my room, getting out my One Direction notebook and writing in my plan of revenge for Niall. Man, this was gonna be good. After about half an hour I had gone to Coles and gotten what I needed for this prank, then I had snuck up to Niall's room and checked whether he was asleep yet. Yep. He was also snoring. Ugh, really Niall?? My pet hate, but somehow Niall made it look cute. Did I really want to do this to poor little innocent Niall? But then I remembered that cheeky look on his face, he wasn't going to get away with this that easy.

I went back to my bedroom and got everything I needed. I was almost finished when he suddenly rolled over and got it all over his pillow!! Ugh, really Niall?!? Now I had to clean that up. It took about 30 minutes to get the stain out if his pillow, then I got back to the job. There!! Perfect!! Man he was gonna be mad. Haha!!!! I feel so evil!! I took my gloves off and placed them in the bin outside then ran back inside, incase I got eaten (don't ask me why I'm 16 and still scared of the dark, I don't know.) Now they had no proof I did it!! Nah, it wouldn't take a detective to know that I faked my truce.

I decided that I had done enough physical exercise for one day, so I flopped down on my bed and slept. I didn't even see the time when I feel asleep, I think it was 6pm or something.

4 hours later

I woke up to screaming. Was that a girl or a retarted chipmunk? Nope, I think it was Niall. Then the memories came flooding back. Oh yeah. I did that, didn't I? Mhm. I was in for it. Just when I opened my eyes I saw Niall glaring down at me, looking so mad. "It wasn't me!!" I lied. "Haha, I might be dumb but not that dumb." He told me. Yeah. Whoops. "IM GONNA KILL YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!" He yelled at me, just when I thought he had calmed down. I jumped out of bed (A MIRACLE HAS OCCURED!!!!!!) and ran out if my bedroom, while Niall was hot on my trail. We were running around the house not really accomplishing anything, then Niall eventually gave up and told me it was ok. Phew, if he wasn't Niall, he would never forgive me for this. But the still looked unimpressed. And annoyed

Oh, did I forget to say I died his hair purple? Yep. And it was permanent. He didn't know that part yet though. And he never would.


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