Chapter 3

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hi again!! I really hope everyone liked chapter 2, I'm not very proud of it but yeah.. This chapter is skipping to when she's 16 yrs old, which the rest of the book and the series will be like. By the way, this book is based in New York, just so you know :) 


11 years later

She is 16 yrs old 

In grade 10 at school

Selena's PoV

"Shut up.." I groaned at my alarm clock, which was going "MEEP MEEP MEEP" right in my ear. It was 8am. I could sleep in another 10 minutes. I fell asleep again in about 2 seconds, then I woke up half an hour later to Zayn jumping on me. "Ahhmph!!!" I yelled. I slapped and kicked the air wildly. "Ummm.." Zayn looked me weirdly from the other side of the bed. "You really are blind when you've just woken up, aren't you?" He asked me with a smirk. "Why are you in here.." I grumbled giving him the best death glare I could with my morning face. "Waking you up." By now I was half sitting up half lying down, but even though I woke up 10 seconds ago I still had sass. "Well duh!!" I said and rolled my eyes. Zayn just grinned. He knew me too well. "C'mon babe, it's 8:30!!" He said matter of factly. 

"WHAT?!?!" I screamed. "B b but it takes me 2 hours to do my hair!!!" I half stammered half screamed. "Well you better get moving." He said in my ear. "Uhhh..." I groaned as I tried to heave my body out if bed but failed and ended up with my upper half body on the ground and the other half still in the bed. I have no idea how I did that is actually possible.

Once I had finally gotten out of bed, not very gracefully, I rushed into the bathroom and stared at the mirror in shock. OH MY GOD. How was I supposed to fix this???!!! My hair was a MASSIVE FRISSBALL!!!! It was covering most of my face!!!! Plus it looked knotty as hell. This was all I fr*cken needed. NOTE THE SARCASM!!! I had half an hour till school started and I HATE coming in late. Everyone looks at me with mean glares and they all stop what they're doing. I stare at the ground and usually run into a desk or something. 

Why, you may ask, do I not like attention? Why do I not seem like a star when I am adopted (more like brother/sister relationship) by One Direction? Well, note that I am adopted. I can sing ok and all, but I definitely did NOT get any of the One Direction genes. They can just stand in front of a crowd and be funny and cute. Where's me on the other hand? Well, if I stand in front of a crowd I trip over my feet or something. I am SO clumsy!! Well, no one else has actually mentioned it, I guess it think that about myself so I am clumsy. 

I snapped myself out of my thoughts and looked back in the mirror. CRAP!!! This was NOT going to be easy. My bed hair can get pretty bad, but the one day, the one day that I sleep in half an hour it's the worst!!!! Hair. What did I ever do to you? I treat you everyday with about 50 good quality hair products, and this is what I get?!?!? How ungrateful you are. Ok, enough of talking to my hair. Now for taming this monster...

2 hours later, I had tamed my hair!!! I had put in all my hair stuff, and had gone for the 'Ariana grande high curled ponytail' thing. It looked nice in my really dark brown/black hair. When I was finally happy with that and had used up a full massive bonus value hairspray bottle, I was happy with it. Then I ran into my wardrobe, which is as big as the average kitchen, dining area/living area in an average townhouse. In other more simple words, ITS MASSIVE!!!!! But I'm over saying that now, apart from when I'm thinking about it... 

After umming and ahhing I finally decided on black leggings, a white top with swirly patterns on it and a black jacket. Whoops!!! I forgot my makeup!! I rushed back into the bathroom and quickly put on some foundation and mascara. I put on my average amount where it was noticeable, but not cake face. I usually put on liquid eyeliner and some concealer (if I have zits but I usually don't) but I really couldn't be bothered today. 

After chucking on some jewellery and bubblegum body spray, I finally decided I was ready. And yes, I am a girly girl, but that doesn't mean I'm popular. 

It was now 11am. Wow, perfect timing much!! Hi 5 Lena!! I hi fived myself weirdly (sorry) and yelled out to Zayn that I was leaving for school. But before going out the door I threw my Mac book into my bag along with my iPad Air 2 and iPhone 6 plus. Yes, I have all the up to date technology. Then I grabbed my bacon and cheese roll from the bakery and a packet of chips and a muesli bar. Then I flung my bag over my shoulder and begun my ten minute walk to school.

It was about 11:10 when I got to school, seeing as everyone was outside eating their recess, and I sneaked indoors so that Brittany, Brooke and Brianna (the b*tches who bully me everyday) won't see me and pick on me again. I snuck past them sitting at a lunch table and flirting with boys and I just about had one foot in the door when: "Oh look boys, here's wannabe, haha!!" She laughed so fake. I had learned to just ignore the, and keep walking, but their words still hurt. As I continued walking they continued to throw insults my way, saying I'm ugly, fat and I will never be popular. They've told me that a million times, along with other things, so it does get to me. A tear dripped down my cheek and they spotted it through the non-tinted windows I was walking past and laughed even more. "Hahaha, look at that pathetic little sl*t. Her makeup's running down her face!!! Awww.. Hah" they continued laughing at me then eventually, after the long walk of them following around the windows bullying me, I reached my locker. Finally, something to put my head into. 

I think they got sick of teasing me and went back to making out with he first sort of cute boy they saw. Oh my god. They called me a sl*t?! Well, this happened everyday. I was getting used to it. They usually didn't follow me around the windows because I didn't usually come as late as recess, but boy am I sick of it. I'm sick of the bullying. Wherever I go, it's like I have 'bully me' written on my forehead. Seriously. What did I ever do? Somedays I wish I could just tell them that I'm adopted by One Direction, but no one knows that because 1) probably all the girls I meet will pretend to be friends with me so they can meet 1D and 2) Zayn said that I will just get bullied even more than I am now. There is so much hate in the world. If I told Brittany, Brooke and Brianna that U was adopted by 1D, oh would I LOVE to rub that in their faces. But this way, with no one knowing my family, I could have real friends. But even my real best friend Evanna doesn't know about me being adopted by 1D. I know she loves One Direction and we say we're directioners for life and stuff, but one day I want to let her meet 1D. But I'm afraid she'll get mad at me though, because I haven't told her since we've been besties (about 10 years). 

Snapping out of my thoughts, I got out my Mac book and the books I needed so I could have them ready for after recess. I would have time to get them ready after recess, but I get bullied every time class is out, so I won't get time to get it all sorted. This is my daily routine. When I had got that sorted, I got out my phone and put my thumbscan into it then realised there were like 20 texts from Evanna saying she was so bored during the double maths we had first up (I know right, how cruel!!) and how she was lonely and I better be here my recess, there there was a text that said 'I can see you, I'll be there in a sec and don't bother explaining why you were late, I know you probably slept in then took like 2 hours to do your hair'. How does she know me so well?? Well, I guess that's what besties are for, right? 

I saw that the text was sent like 5 minutes ago so I waited for a second then she came out screaming like we hadn't seen each other in years (that's what 20 hours is for us anyways). "LENA!!!!!!!" She screamed. "Evanna!!!" I squealed back, giving her a bear hug. "You're late!!" She scolded me. "Sowwy.." I murmured, in the little kid voice that always gets her.

"Aww.. How can I resist that ya cutie!!" She squealed. 

Then we skipped out to recess without a care in the world, even though in the back of our minds we knew we'd get bullied as soon as we came out of that door.


Well, I hope you liked that chapter!! I know it's a bit weird that she's 16 and she's adopted by 1D, but she has a brother relationship with Zayn so yeah..

But yeah, hope you liked it and I really hope I can get at least 10 reads so yeah.. Thanks!!

Love Mel xx

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