Not Entirely Alone

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Alright so this one I'm introducing some new characters and a new side plot. I'm not going to give too much info but for now I'll say James is loosely based off of a siren. Also title is based off of a Narcissist Cookbook song

It was a surprisingly lonely existence. James never knew how much of that was his fault and how much was predestined or inevitable. Did he isolate because he knew the harm that he could cause? Or did he feel isolated because people didn't have a choice in how they felt about him?

He didn't mean to get caught up in the occasional pity party. His life was nice, it really was. He felt he didn't deserve it, most days.

In his youth he had abused his abilities. He used his influence to get whatever he wanted. To push around his peers. That level of pure power, that young. It wasn't a good combination.

When James hit high school he mellowed out. Grew a conscience. Stopped using people. Even then though he couldn't stop his influence. People agreeing with him was inevitable. Not because he was right, but because of what he was. And people were none the wiser to it.

So he learned to be quiet. Careful. He no longer dared to speak about what he wanted, or his opinions. He learned to keep his interactions neutral in opinion and positive in intentions. Because it only took one slip up to ruin a life.

He became a successful game show host. That was easy, commanding and entertaining a room was second nature. The show was lighthearted enough, it was easy for him to avoid risky sentiments there. It brought in a comfortable amount of money, and gave him an outlet that didn't put others in an unfair situation.

All things considered, he had it good. But it didn't stop him from staying up at night, wondering if anyone would like him without whatever curse or blessing he had. Wondering if he was secretly still an awful person. It's not like anyone could tell him, if he was.

He had a nice, large home that lined the forest. A lovely place to be alone. Too big, he realized too late. But there were far worse problems to have.

There were plenty of paths in the forest to wander along, which is how he often ended his day.

The walk was like any other, until James heard something in the over brush dart away from him.

Which had never happened to James before. Everyone, everything trusted James. He could walk up to a bear and pet it with no problem, if he wanted. So what in the world would run away from him?

James wasn't sure if it was curiosity, or just some stubborn part of himself that knew he always got what he wanted. Either way he approached where the sound was. "Hello? " he called, trying to keep his voice soft. Welcoming. "Is anyone here..? " he asked.

He was met with silence. But that's when he noticed a bush slightly shuddering. No, not a bush. Someone behind a bush. Whoever it was didn't trust James, and that excited him. They were completely unaffected...

"Hey it's okay" he called softly, trying to cox them out "I want to help you"

Whoever it was said nothing. He couldn't really see anything but a general humanoid form through the leaves and branches.

"Are you hiding from something? Someone? I can help. I promise hiding in my home will be far safer and more comfortable then hiding out here"

There. That was the ticket. The stranger shifted, obviously debating coming out. They still said nothing though.

"Are you hurt? Do you need help?"

Finally there was some real movement. The stranger got to his feet, climbing out of the underbrush and staring right at James.

And James froze.

He wasn't a human. Which yes, it was hypocritical for James to get freaked out about considering he was unsure if he himself was actually human but still, he had never seen something like this.

The man before him was made of wood. Like a puppet with no strings. And he wasn't in the best condition. His wood had water damage, there were worm tracks up his arm, his paint was faded and chipped, his right arm joint looked jammed.

James frowned as his curiosity and desire for a challenge melted away to a genuine worry, "oh you poor thing... here, let's get you somewhere dry and safe" he said, offering a hand.

The man of wood hesitantly took James' hand, who couldn't help but feel a small rush of victory despite himself.

His home wasn't far at all, and they reached it in only a few minutes. The man of wood hesitated before entering with James, glancing about wearily. He was overwhelmed, James realized. He led him over to a sofa "here, take a seat, I'll grab you a blanket. You can take a minute to adjust before we figure out what to do" he said before heading to a closet.

James knew he was already in way over his head. He had no clue what this man needed, what he was hiding from or even what or how he was.

But it was new. Someone who could choose how they felt about him. Someone who needed help. And someone who was different. Like him. Maybe he wasn't as alone as he had always assumed.

He brought a blanket back over and draped it over the man of woods shoulders "Are you hungry? "

The man shook his head

"Can you even eat? "


"Can you talk? "



"Alright. That's alright. I'll just make sure I only ask yes or no questions until we can figure something out... does all... that hurt? " he asked, gesturing to the man's state. Particularly his jammed and worm damaged arm.

The man shrugged a little, tilting his head from side to side. Somewhat

"So more... uncomfortable then painful?"

The man nodded.

"Well... I took some woodworking classes back in the day. I'm sure I could fix you up, if you wanted? Probably even touch up your paint, add some waterproof varnish" he said.

He saw a moment of light in the man's eyes. Hope. And it meant more than any trust anyone had ever given him.

"So that's a yes? "

The man of wood eagerly nodded. James couldn't imagine how it would feel, to be that... worn.

"I'll go grab some supplies first thing tomorrow. I'd go now but all the hardware stores are probably closed... for now, let me show you to a guest room. You can use it as long as you like, alright."

The man gave James a weary look. One that he had never seen but he knew nonetheless. A look that said 'why?' Why did James care? Why was he helping?

"For the sake of full transparency... for starting everything off honestly, I'm like you, I think. Not wood, obviously " he added on hastily as the man looked confused.

"But different. Not quite human. I've always had a strong influence on people. It's some sort of power and I'm not sure why I have it. But you are the first person I've ever met who seems completely unaffected. I've been so alone and I'm sure you've been too. I think we can help each other. You can leave whenever you want, of course. But I think we can make each other's lives much better"

The man seemed to consider James words. Mulling over them and his offer. Until he got up and nodded, offering his hand to James to shake. 

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