Burial Storm

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"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas even in the sea." Uncle Niall told me while we wandered the North Atlantic Ocean for the past... 

You know what? I actually have no idea. Even though I have this photographic memory, it really defeats the purpose if I can't even tell when the days end or start. I'm getting bored on this Ocean. There's so much water and that's all we see for hours and days. It feels like we've in the dingy for years. Uncle Niall isn't helping either. All he does is ramble and ramble about his memories and old sailors' tales. It's all getting boring. 

The only thing exciting about this journey is that I'm gonna meet my Daddy at the end of it all. Foe the first time in my life, I'm actually gonna meet my Daddy. While we float around in the Atlantic... I can't help but wonder what he'll look like: 

Red hair? Freckles? Maybe even a mole on his chin like Uncle Niall. I can't wait to see his face for the first time, to hear his voice and to ask him so many questions. 

The only real question I have for him ... is to ask him if he has eidetic memory just like me. I can't even ask Uncle Niall about him because I don't want him to spoil the surprise. All I can do now is just listen to the wind and want for this dingy to hit dry land. I'm not even worried about my family anymore.. I'm not worried about Sherlock, Laura and the baby, Momma 

I'm not even gonna think about Knox-County anymore. I want to leave all of those worries in the past. 

"You can't start the next chapter in your life if you keep re-reading your last one."

 I'm gonna take a little nap-it has to be about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. 


  My nap ended up being way longer than I expected. I woke up because of the rain which is now dripping into my socks. Uncle Niall never told me much about the weather. He told me an old sea tale about a man who went crazy over some ugly sperm whale. "Are you talking about Moby Dick?" I asked him and when he denied it and said that it was his friend Patrick, even Owen didn't believe him. After that i started noticing that there was a lot more wind and rain than when we first started sailing. Uncle Niall told me that we would be fine, though. Actually, what he really said was: 

"In all my years of boating these Great Seas, I have never had the pleasure of meeting my doom in a storm. Rough winds and once an overturned boat couldn't stop me then and now here I am,  wind-beaten by the decades but still a living witness to the Kraken's  defeat. " 

I figured he was saying that we were gonna be ok because at the end of of his rambling, he gave a cocky grin and a small nod then turned his attention back to the slowly disappearing Sun over the horizon. It was gonna get dark soon, which means it's get really cold. We're starting to run out of food, so we're gonna make a quick stop to a nearby port to get more supplies. A few minutes ago, Uncle Niall told me and Owen it was time for us to go to bed. I hate it when growns do that- they always send the kids to bed but stay up all night when they feel like it. Momma told me that when I turn 18 I could go to bed anytime I want. I guess the whole bedtime thing wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for the fact that every time they tell me to go to bed, I'm not tired. Nope, not at all. Even now with Uncle Niall, I'm not even yawning. After a few minutes of explaining to him that I wasn't tired, then begging him to let me and Owen stay up and ending with a grumbling Uncle Niall shoving the blanket (a.k.a tarp) into my hands with a grumpy "Goodnight." Me and Owen ended up snuggled tight in our makeshift bed- bundles of fishing nets for pillows and the ugly tarp as a blanket- and laid out on our side of the dingy with Uncle Niall. Owen had his head in Uncle Niall's lap while I had mine against his shoulder. Before I even had the chance to close my eyes, though, our dingy hit a hard wave which knocked the wind out of me. Before I had the chance to react, Uncle Niall ended up grabbing me and Owen by our arms and scowled at the waves -which seemed to be getting bigger and wilder. The sky was covered in cumulonimbus clouds as the first lightning bolt crashed in the sky. 

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