Pulling Back The Curtain

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Today we're starting a very risky angle. It's not risky in the professional sense because we've already done that. J and myself decided against going to GCW because number 1 we don't really like that kind of style. The second reason is we wanted more money than they wanted to give us. CCW however were more willing to give us however much we wanted since we were kinda of well known locally because of our athletic accomplishments.

It's a risky move personally because Mercy might just kill us when she sees it. Anyway, I'm watching through the courtain as J wrestles. Well he more so goes out there and narrowly avoids killing his opponent. I used to work with him during our training and he's STIFF.

He just won his match and retained the CCW Title. He was celebrating before my music hit.

I made my way through the courtain as the crowd exploded. I smiled and slowly made my way down to the ring while clapping. I got into the ring retaining my smile as I grabbed J by the wrist. I held his arm up before we hugged. We separated before I went and grabbed the house microphone.

Me: Wow bro, you killed that sumbitch...

We both laughed.

Me: ...You're well on your way to taking over this business like everybody predicted. Just look at this place, it's just a trail of broken bodies behind us. There's just something that's been bothering me.

I took a pause. J looked at me with questioning look on his face. I looked at him in his eyes.

Me: ...Who's the better man. Who between us is the better wrestler. I came out here from the front like we've always done things to ask you like a man, can I have a shot at that belt on your shoulder?

J had been listening with his hands on his hips, smiled. He took his right hand off his hip an extended it. I put the mic in my left hand before using my now free hand to shake his hand. J went to let go and walk away but I maintained my firm grip on his hand. I turned him back around and brought him close. He turned around shocked as I looked him dead in his eyes. We had an intense stare down before we separated.

I pointed at the belt and made the belt gesture with a smile. I left and gave J the ring and I made my way back to the back. I walked back before I met up with Mercy and Brianna.

Me: Hey girls.

Mercy: Hey Bubba.

Mercy and I side hugged before I turned my attention to Brianna.

Brianna: Hey Magic Man.

I dapped up Brianna since we're still playing it cool around Mercy. I hated that I still can't kiss my girl in public. As much as I hate not being able to be affectionate with the first girl I want to be affectionate with, my will to live overpowers that. J came behind me and slapped me hard in between my shoulder blades with those big bear paws he calls hands. He hit me and actually made me fall forward into Brianna's waiting arms.

Brianna: Poor Magic Man.

Brianna's hand went into the hair on the back of my head. I wrapped my arms around her. Her nails softly scratched at my scalp before we both felt cold water being sprayed on us. We separated before I looked at Brianna in her beautiful eyes. I smiled at her before I turned around to face Mercy.

Me: I'm not a dog sissy. Well I'm a dawg but that means something else.

Mercy: Hands off her boy.

Me: Fine.

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