Dirty Dan And Pinhead Larry

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It's been amazing being with Brianna even though it hasn't even been a day yet. I can already see the kind of girlfriend that she is and I love it. She's kind of clingy like she woke me up this morning by blowing my phone up with calls and texts. The last call was the one I answered.

Me(groggy): hel-lo?

Brianna: Finally you answer! Goodmorning Baby!

Me: Good...mornin Baby. How'd you sleep?

Brianna: I slept okay baby. How did you sleep?

Me: Pretty good. You woke me up during the dream I had about you.

Brianna: You had a dream about me?

Me: Yeah.

Brianna: Do you wanna tell me about it?

I sit up in bed before answering her.

Me: If you'll let me turn this into a FaceTime call so I can see that beautiful face and make my morning even better.

Brianna: Go ahead baby.

We turn it into a FaceTime and when Brianna's face popped up on the screen, I couldn't help my smile.

Me: You can't be that gorgeous this early in the mornin baby. It's not fairrr.

Brianna blushed but tried to hide it by holding her hair in front of her face.

Brianna: Baby stop itttt!

Me: What? I can't tell my baby how beautiful I think she is?

Brianna softly smiled.

Brianna: You're such an amazing guy. How'd I get so lucky with you?

Me: The better question is, How'd I get so lucky with you? Do you still wanna hear about the dream?

Brianna: I'd love too Baby.

Me: Well I walked up to your house and you let me in. You were wearing one of my shirts and some jeans and you had your hair up in a messy bun. You looked so beautiful baby. We walked up to me and we kissed before I heard the phone ring. Hey what are you doin today?

Brianna: Awe baby you're so sweet. I'm probably just watch the SpongeBob marathon on later and talk to my amazing boyfriend.

Me: Hey can I come over and we can watch it together.

Brianna smiled wide.

Brianna: I'd love that baby.

Me: I would too baby...

I was cut off by J throwing a pillow at me.

JJ: Either have phone sex or shut the fuck up!

Brianna and I both laughed as I rolled my eyes.

Me: Anyways, let me get my lazy ass up and get dressed and I'll be over soon, okay?

Brianna: Can't wait baby.

Me: See you soon baby.

Brianna: See you soon baby boy.

She blew me a kiss as we ended the call. I got up and got dressed before having breakfast with Grandma. During our meal together, Grandma and I had a conversation.

Me: Hey Grandma?

Grandma: Yeah bub?

Me: I'm gonna go hang out with Brianna.

Grandma smiled.

Grandma: Again? Y'all have been hanging out a lot.

I smiled.

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