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Well it's the end of Sophomore year and I've got straight A's again. J and I got another state championship ring. A few weeks ago, I was called in the councilor's office and she said not only is everyday of next year a half day for me but I'm graduating next year as well. I'm happy that I'm done pretty much done with school and I can get in the business but I had one request. I asked if I could just have one class with Brianna and she said consider it done.

Brianna and I well we still talk all day from the time we get up until we go to sleep. She's my "Breezy" and I'm her "Magic Man". That girl has me wrapped around her little finger and she knows it. She'll ask me to do something and if she thinks I'm on the fence about it she knows how to make me break. She knows if she says "Please Magic Man? For Breezy?" then I'm putty in her hands. I've still gotten attention from girls but I'm really not interested. Like if I'm interested in a girl and Breezy acts like she don't like the girl in question then I cut the girl off.

JJ still talks to multiple girls at once. He still has his hair trigger and ain't afraid to fight a living man.

Brianna and Mercy both have gotten attention from guys but I guess none of them are what they're looking for. I mean I think the idea of hurting them and then having to deal with J and myself scares most guys off which doesn't really harsh my mellow.

One guy named Mason will not leave Brianna alone though. He tries to act like he's a metalhead or whatever but he's not. You ask him his favorite band he'll say Megadeath right? That's cool I guess but when you ask him his favorite song by them he'll say "Enter Sandman" he's just one of those guys. He also thinks he's hard. He's 5'7 MAYBE but he acts like he's bigger then me. Honestly sometimes I just wanna squat down and slap the piss out of him but Brianna don't want me to so I haven't...yet.

I'm hanging out with Brianna at my locker after school. I shut the locker and turn around to face Brianna as we talk.

Brianna: Hey Magic Man?

Me: What's up Breezy?

Brianna: We're still going hang out and talk over text and FaceTime during the Summer right?

Me: Of course Breezy. I can't go 3 minutes without talking to my bestie let along 3 months. Besides I'm sure you'll be over at the house hangin with Sissy.

Brianna: Yeah you're right. That's what I wanted to hear though. Hey...

Brianna is cut off by someone yelling her name out. Oh lord it's Mason, Lord kill me now.


Brianna and I both had the same reaction. We both simultaneously rolled our eyes and said the same thing.

Brianna/I: Oh God.

We smiled at our synchronization before she turned around to face Mason.

Brianna: What Mason?

Mason is out of breath just from walking over here.

Mason(Heavily Breathing):'

Me: Wish I had some mace right about now...

I tried to say it discreetly but I guess they heard me and Bri laughed.

Mason: Man nobody brought you into Brianna and I's conversation.

He's a butterball and he's wearing a purple shirt. It was too easy.

Me: Nobody asked for your Grimace from McDonald's looking ass to get in to OUR conversation.

Brianna looked back and up at me and laughed again before looking back at Mason.

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