Chapter 16 Ringbearer Journals part 2

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Orko woke up the next morning. He grabbed his breakfast and went back to his magic room.

"Why is Orko headed back to his magic room?" Damien asked. "I am working on a new invention and I want his help later to test it," he said.

"Orko found the journals of the other four ringbearers and he wants to read them," Man at arms answered. "So we won't see him for a while because there are four books that he found recently," he said.

"Sounds like he is going to be busy," Andra said.

"I agree, so we better remind him to rest," Teela said.

"Plus he wants to learn as much about his predecessors as possible," Roboto said.

"Orko wants to learn from their pasts and learn from his own so he can be the best ringbearer he can be," Adam said. "He knows he is on Eternia right now and has done many things to help us, but he feels like he needs help such as these journals to help him learn about himself and weave his own path of destiny to be a great ringbearer," he said. "I hope he remembers we all have his back and he is not alone in this," he said.

They all agreed on this.

Orko was back in his magic room. Now it was time to read the journal of Ero Dee. "Okay Ero Dee let's see your experiences," Orko said.

Orko opened the journal and started to read.

I am a young song mage with big dreams. I wish to go on a sorcerer's quest. My fellow song mages and other Trollans think I am crazy. They think because I am a song mage I won't survive. I just need to prove myself.

"I am going to do this," Ero Dee said. "I will do a sorcerer's quest," he said.

"But Ero Dee you are a song mage you will get destroyed most likely," another Trollan said.

"I am going to do it," Ero Dee said. "I just need to prove that song mage like me can handle it," he said.

So Ero Dee went out on his quest ready to go. He was going on his way. It wasn't an easy task but he was managing. He did what he could to help and do what was right.

I am just about to make it to the temple of power. I can see it just over the hill now I am ready.

Ero Dee came into the temple of power the overlords were surprised that Ero Dee came and he was alive. He had survived and passed the test. Then Ero Dee headed in to get judged by the star tree.

Ero Dee was ready sitting before the star tree. The star tree looked at Ero Dee. "In the darkest of nights when all hope seems lost, a small light can make all the difference and bring hope," the star tree said.

Then Ero Dee was given his Mage emblem. It was the Oracle ring. Ero Dee was surprised as was the rest of Trolla. "I can hardly believe it," Ero Dee said.

Ero Dee loved to make music still and make life calm. But the unnamed order saw him as a threat. "He should be easy to handle he is nothing but a song mage, a sitting duck," the unnamed one said. "Kill him before he becomes dangerous," he said.

Ero Dee had several encounters with destroying angels and other monsters sent by the unnamed order. He was very scared and didn't know what to do. He struggled to handle himself. Many Trollans step into help him only to get badly hurt or killed in the process.

I know I have to do something. I am tired of being a sitting duck and I am tired of others putting their life on the line for me. I know I have to train and make spells and work hard on it.

Ero Dee was working hard to control his breathing. He did many breathing exercises so he won't have to take a breath as often when singing. "Wow Ero Dee you now have amazing breath control you can now not only sing louder, but for longer without running out of breath," one of his song mage friends said.

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