Oh Baby!!!

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The drive back to LA from Laguna Beach was uneventful.  Anna drove from the beach house until we reached the outskirts of town.   I rested in the backseat, sipping on ginger ale and munching on saltine crackers.   At Ronny's request, I had an appointment scheduled with our Primary Care Physician in two days.   I had the EPT wand hidden inside my luggage.  I was going to hide it someplace in his in home studio, and wait impatiently for him to find it.    

Louis was waiting for us when we pulled into the driveway.   He grabbed our bags and  set them on the floor inside the entry. Laura came out from her office, headset on, arms full of paperwork for Ronny to look at. She quietly set the pile of papers on the desk in his studio and returned to her office, deep in conversation with a promoter who wanted Ronny to perform at a Benefit for the Firefighter's families whose husbands had been killed in the Wildfires last summer.   

I followed Louis upstairs and directed him to put our luggage inside the closet, so Rosa could tend to it.   I was still feeling a bit queasy, so I laid down on our bed and covered up with the warm afghan blanket that Ronny's mom made for us.   I heard the door open, and someone went into the closet.  It must have been Rosa.   Before leaving the room, she drew the shades.   

I woke up a couple hours later to find Ronny sitting next to me on the bed, smoothing my hair back from my forehead and leaving feathery kisses on my cheek.   My eyes fluttered open, and I smiled at him.   His warm brown eyes were full of love as they gazed into mine.  His fingers were entwined with mine.   It was one of those moments where no words were needed.  Our love was so strong, it was all encompassing.  I felt our baby flutter inside me and I couldn't stop smiling.   

"I have to take Anna home.  Do you want to come?  We can get dinner."  
For the first time in days, I felt really hungry.
"Sure!"  I said with a smile.  "Let me freshen up."
Minutes later, we were in the car.   Anna was complaining from the back seat. 
"Please dad, will you talk to mom? ". She said with a pout.  "You saw how good I was all weekend, please!   She gives me no freedom!"

Ronny glanced over at me with a smile and held my hand.  "You certain you want one?"   Anna let out a groan in frustration and the back seat grew quiet.   "I will talk to her, Anna."   Ronny said with a smile.  "And yes, you were very well behaved this week.  But you did have your wings clipped.   Otherwise, you would have been parasailing all over Laguna."   Ronny glanced at me and gave me a wink. 

As we pulled up into Hailey's driveway, we saw her and her fiancée Charlie in the yard with their landscaper.  Hailey's dog Precious was sniffing at her feet.   He exploded into a fit of barking and sniffing as he saw Anna.    She reached down and scooped him up.  "Hi Precious!"  She said, all smiles again.   Hailey tapped Charlie on the arm when she saw us and met us at the front door.  "Oh, Hi Liza," she said.  "I didn't know you were coming."   Hailey and me had a fairly good relationship.  She seemed to show me more warmth depending on her mood.  Today, it felt a bit like Siberia.  Her glance seemed to last a bit longer than usual.  Her eyes softened for a moment, then she turned to Ronny.
"Did she give you any trouble?"  She asked as we walked into the house.  Pop music came blaring down from Anna's room, where she held Precious captive. 

We all sat down at the dining room table.   "Consuela", Hailey spoke loudly and a petite Hispanic woman entered the room "would you bring some of that lemonade and glasses?"  Consuela smiled and quietly left the room, returning seconds later with a tray.   She quietly poured the glasses as Ronny and Hailey began to talk.
"Well, " Ronny began.   She wanted to use her fake I.d. to go parasailing, but Mother Nature settled that argument."   Hailey looked over at me.  "She got her period."  I said with a tiny smile.  My hands went to my stomach as the tiny flutters started again.   Hailey gave me a knowing glance.  "So, she didn't run off with her friends?"  Hailey looked surprised.  "No,"  Ronny said with a grin.  "We went shopping, played some board games, had an afternoon at the beach and she helped Liza cook and cleaned the kitchen."  He looked at me with a wicked grin.  She was home alone overnight, Liza and me got caught in a thunderstorm.   Hailey didn't look pleased.  "Oh my GOD!"  She exclaimed.  "You two are so irresponsible!   You two get enough alone time as it is!  You had to take the boat out without her?"  She glared at me, then looked back at Ronny. 
"She has her script, and wanted to stay home and study.  She wasn't feeling that great, so Liza got her all set up with some herbal tea, Ibuprophen and Tumeric.  She was fine."     Ronny reached over and took my hand.   "Liza just got home recently after the tour ended.  So no, we have not had much alone time lately. ". He squeezed my hand and continued.  "This was to BE our week alone, but Anna begged me to take her, and I will never say no to spending time with her." 
Hailey looked over at me.  "And you were okay with this?  You didn't resent Anna being there?"  I shook my head no.  "I enjoy Anna's company.  She is always welcome."  
Hailey rolled her eyes.   "You always get the good times with her, and I get the leftovers."  
I shook my head no.  "On the contrary, Hailey."  I spoke up.  "Ronnie and Anna fought most of the drive up.   He doesn't always get the good times.  He is an amazing dad.  He just got lucky that Mother Nature ended the argument."

Hailey looked at me closely.  "And how are you feeling, Liza?"  Ronnie spoke up, trying to refocus the conversation.  "She wasn't feeling well most of the week."  He looked at me and smiled.  "She actually started feeling bad after our night at the Cove . . ."  His voice wandered off and he began to smile.  I smiled back at him, hand over my stomach."  "Oh Baby!"  He cried, standing up and pulling me into his arms.  I could see Hailey's face drop.  "We're done."  She said, her voice monotone.  "You can show yourselves out."  She left the dining room, calling for Consuela.   We snuck upstairs and said a hasty goodbye to Anna. 

"Dinner on Wednesday!"  Ronny said, hugging his daughter.  "Okay."  She said hugging him back.  "Bye, Liza!"  She said with a smile.   "Thanks for your help."  She said, also giving me a hug.  "You will be a great mom, someday."   I looked over at Ronnie and he grinned.  

Downstairs, we heard someone moving around, and made a hasty retreat.  We smiled all the way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06 ⏰

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