Trouble in Boston

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We held hands in the backseat of the sedan, as our driver tried to make good on getting us to Newark on time. Ronny got on the phone and called Jersey Line's Manager to let them know our car was late, and we were rushing to get to the airport on time. There was a long pause,
" Ronny, the car was not late, it was there at 5 a.m. ". Ronny shook his head emphatically no. "No, it was not, it did not arrive until 6:30. We are doing our best to get there."

On the other end of the line, Brittany, the pretty red headed assistant checked her schedule. "Oh my God!" She sighed, "someone changed my notes! Your car was purposely sent late!"

Ronny gave me a look of frustration. "Well, can you tell who?"

Brittany sadly said "no." As she crumpled up the evidence and tossed it in the trash can. "I'll let
Tom know, and if you miss your flight, let me know as soon as possible, so we can schedule a charter for you two."

After Ronny hung up, Brittany's phone rang.  "Oh hi!"   She said, listening to the caller.  "Yes, sir.  I will call them." 

After Brittany hung up the phone, she checked her Rolodex and called Star Magazine.   After she gave them the tip about Ronny and me being en route to the Newark Airport, she grabbed her purse and left for the day.     Every day she regretted the day her blackmailer found her in the file room doing lines.   He had been using her to do his dirty work ever since.

Ronny called ahead to the airport and requested a cart for us to get to the gate faster.  We had TSA Pre on our boarding passes so we were able to skip security.  However, we were unprepared for the paparazzi that were blocking the entrance to the Terminal. Ronny quickly got on the phone and requested airport security to come and evict them.   Through the car windows we could hear them shouting out questions about our engagement, and what about Charla?  They did not leave quietly, and we were now about 15 minutes away from the gate, and the plane was leaving the gate in 25 minutes.    Security called ahead to hold the plane, and we were soon on our way to the gate.  

We were the very last passengers to board, so the doors closed right after us.   We waited for the flight attendant to board us in First class, but it was full.  There were two nice seats in Business Class, so we took them.

"Something isn't right here," Ronny said quietly as the plane prepared for take off. "I'm going to get to the bottom of it." He said with determination.

"Oh, and please, be very careful about what you say to your girls and wives and girlfriends. Until we know who is behind this." I nodded in agreement.

The band had been scheduled to meet with Entertainment Tonight for a segment on the tour, but due to our issues in Newark, we arrived too late for Ronny to participate.   We arrived to our hotel without incident, and Ronny called to let Management know we had arrived.   He looked very displeased upon hanging up the phone.  

"What's wrong?"  I asked after seeing the look on his face.  "We have both been fined $5k for being late."  He said.  

"Also, they need you at the Arena tomorrow at 6 a.m.  apparently, our tardiness has set the entire wardrobe team behind. "

"Did they have any good news at all?"  I asked, after sitting on the bed and motioning the spot beside me.   Ronny walked over and sat down next to me.  "No, none at all!"  He said, flashing his crooked smile.  "But, I have some good news for you, baby!"  He said, taking my hand and placing it over his penis.  "Is that the good news you are looking for?"  He asked with a growl. 

Moments later, fines and angry calls with management were forgotten as we found pleasure and comfort in each other's arms.   After a good romp in the bed, we also enjoyed each other in the shower, on the bedroom floor and even in the closet.   Soon we needed showers again, in order to be ready for the band dinner and meeting scheduled in the banquet room
Of the Hotel.   The Hotel Security Chief and the Boston Police Chief was also going to be there to go over security requirements for the band and VIP's. 

On the Road with Jersey Line:  The confessions of a Wardrobe  Assistant Where stories live. Discover now