AN (Again)

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I have 2 thirds of the next chapter written out already so don't worry, but I was gonna explain why it took me so long to write it at the end of that chapter, but I decided it would just be easier to write it here

It has taken me a long time to post the next chapter for the standard reasons: schoolwork and then holidays started, I have to go back to school in less than a week and haven't finished the math TEST, yes an actual test, that I'm supposed to do, but anyway. And then I got distracted watching In The Heights and listening to the soundtrack for that over and over again, so I've cut back on my Hamilton listening time

So yeah, sorry it's taken so long but I'm almost finished and probably gonna post the new chapter in the next few days or so, and sorry in advance on the fact that's there's probably also gonna be In The Heights references in here now too

Thank you for being patient, paciencia y fe :)

Bye Lovelies

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