A/N: This is going on indefinate hiatus chapter 9 will be th last chapter for who knows how long, could be a week, could be 2 years.
After the greatest night of his life, 15 year old Alex finally thinks his life is perfect. Upon waking up the next day he comes to realise that now he is living in Queensland at his old house as if he never moved, and is back to his shitty old life.
A/N: If you came for a love story, it's only half of it, the prologue chapter is the only thing souly based on love. The rest of the story is about Alex being resiliant, and having to cope with his new life, while simultaniously trying to get his "old" one back.
Now this story i would think should be rated maybe a PG-13
Will Contain:
-Course Language
-Violence (In some way)
-Sensitive Parts
-Sexual References
-Heartache and Yearning
-Sad Parts

Yesterday's Tomorrow (Cancelled)
Random[CANCELLED] [I probably wouldn't even attempt to start reading this, this is cancelled and i have my reasons for it. Quite a few infact. The only kind of continuation of this story is a remake of the prologue] After the greatest night of his life, 1...