Dominick was a good friend for Alex, Dominick was probably the smartest person he knew, of course every now and then Dominick made a mistake in something, but most of the time Dominick was a god of smarts. Dominick wasn’t like others, he spent many hours around with tutors and doing homework (and not just from school). His father always kept him busy doing something.
Alex could always trust Dominick, of course Dominick had his fair share of secrets, well a lot more than a fair share. No matter how bad Alex treated Dominick, Dom would always come around eventually. Usually pretty fast too. Alex knew not to mess around with him too much, Dom had an anger issue. Dom was a pretty big guy and he was raised well outside of Australia, he was raised hard, in the middle east.
Dominick was interested in things like computer parts and remote control cars, he loved building things. From the description most people would thing that he was a skinny nerd or a fat slob. Dominick was a muscular guy who knew far too many sleeper holds for anyones good.
Alex proceeded to go to the find contact section on skype where he looked up Dom’s name. He found him eventually. It was obvious which one was Dom, besides the name he could see the character of Altaïr from the Assassin’s Creed game series as his profile picture. Alex sent the request out, he decided he shouldn’t write a story explaining whats going on, it would probably scare him off. So he just wrote “Hey Dom, it’s Alex wouldn’t remember me, so could you just add me, it’s complicated.
Alex doubted that this would work, but he sent the message across anyway. He didn’t really expect a replay anytime soon, Dom hardly ever goes on skype, probably because how busy he always is. Alex soon spent his time waiting for a reply from anyone on skype, Eventually he ended up getting a message from Skye, he continued the conversation as odd as it was, the conversation had some awkward moments, but it was to be expected.
A/N: Sorry for the kind of rushed ending at the end, i’m writing this in science class. Periods nearly over, i don’t write single chapters over multiple writing sessions.
Yesterday's Tomorrow (Cancelled)
Random[CANCELLED] [I probably wouldn't even attempt to start reading this, this is cancelled and i have my reasons for it. Quite a few infact. The only kind of continuation of this story is a remake of the prologue] After the greatest night of his life, 1...