10/2/2024 AM

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10/2/2024 AM

The cards are: 
Astrological Tarot: nine of water, four of air, air rising, Scorpio 
Transparent Tarot: the hierophant, eight of coins, ace of wands, queen of coins (gulf) 
Van Gogh Tarot: eight of swords, queen of cups (gulf), the emperor (mew), queen of wands (gulf) 
Transparent Oracle: dream, landscape: desert, guide: bear 
In2it Angel Oracle: Yeliel the Angel of Mental Force & Calmness 

The Story 

In the heart of Sun Flower Valley, Mew and Gulf stood together before the entrance of Haven, a glass room that pulsed with the combined energies of their Transparent Tarot and Transparent Oracle cards. This sacred place was designed to hold the immense power of these cards, each one reflecting aspects of their kingdom, their love, and their community. The Waanjai, Mewlions, Phiballs, Jom, Grace, and other extended family and friends had all gathered outside, patiently waiting to see what new revelations Haven would bring today. 

Gulf, the cooler and nurturing of the two, stepped forward, his hand gently resting on the door of Haven. The air around him chilled slightly as he touched the glass, calming the fiery heat that Mew always carried with him. Mew's flame flickered brighter for a moment, sensing Gulf's touch, and together they entered the room, their elements perfectly balanced and in sync. Gulf's icy nature always soothed Mew's intensity, and in return, Mew was the only one who could melt Gulf's protective cool heart. 

As they walked in, the cards on the pedestals started to react, pulsing faintly with colors ranging from red to blue, gold to green, waiting to be revealed. Today would bring something important, they could feel it. 

Gulf's eyes landed first on a card glowing faintly blue—The Queen of Coins, his touch activating the nurturing energy. "This one is mine," he whispered softly, feeling the warmth of its positivity. He read the card out loud: "We're on a path of security and nurturing. This card shows how we've worked hard to protect not only each other but everyone in Sun Flower Valley. The abundance we have is because we care for what we've built." 

Mew smiled at Gulf's words but stepped closer, sensing a flicker of caution. His eyes darkened slightly as he touched the card. His presence caused a faint red hue to appear. "True," he said, his voice low and serious, "but we have to be careful not to become too complacent. You've been carrying so much responsibility, Gulf. What happens when you've given too much and there's nothing left for yourself?" 

A Waanjai, standing by the door, sensed the tension between them and smiled softly. "Mew's right, but it's also a moment to breathe. It's okay to give, Gulf, just as long as you're also receiving." The Waanjai offered a calm balance to the conversation, and the card's glow shifted slightly, a purple hue now lingering in the air, giving Mew and Gulf a quiet boost of spiritual renewal. 

Next, a deeper gold light pulsed from another corner of the room—The Ace of Wands—its glow catching Gulf's attention. He moved towards it, his fingers brushing the glass. "This one's about passion, creativity," he mused, eyes sparkling as he read the positive meaning. "We're entering a new phase, Mew. Something exciting is beginning. It's like there's an endless source of fire in our love, sparking new ideas, new paths for us." 

Mew joined him, placing his hand on the card, which quickly shifted to red beneath his touch. "But too much of that fire can burn too hot, Gulf. We've got to pace ourselves. What if we get so wrapped

up in the excitement, we lose sight of what really matters?" 

A nearby Mewlion spoke up, offering a neutral perspective, their voice thoughtful. "Sometimes, it's okay to let the fire burn bright. Maybe a good smudging will you do you both some good," they joked. "But seriously, you both know how to balance each other. You won't lose yourselves if you stay connected. Trust your gut feeling and let it guide you." 

The card's glow shifted again, blending into a warm orange as the fiery passion balanced with calm strength. Mew could feel the energy surge through him, amplifying his fire, but at the same time,

calming him. It was an unexpected combination—intensity and peace—and it felt so right. 

Suddenly, a flicker of ominous red began to pulse violently from another shelf, catching Mew's eye immediately. His whole body tensed as he approached the source, Gulf watching him closely. The Eight of Swords, glowing blood red now, was revealed. The room grew warmer as Mew's fire begin to rage in response, recognizing the warning in the card: a sign of imprisonment, restriction, and a threat to their freedom. 

"Gulf... someone is feeling trapped. Either one of us or someone close," Mew said, his voice deep with concern. The glow intensified, as the card beside it started to pulse—The Emperor, Mew's own power. As soon as he touched it, the blood red glow amplified. This wasn't just a warning, this was a danger to their leadership and their kingdom. 

Gulf stepped forward, his ice already beginning to radiate from his body, a mist forming around him. "Everyone... please leave," he said softly to the air. His calm yet firm tone made it clear—he needed to cool Mew down, and fast! 

As the last person left Haven, Gulf sealed the room with a layer of ice, blocking the world out, leaving only the two of them. Mew's flames had grown dangerously high, sounds of crackling could be heard in the air around them, fueled by the intensity of the blood red warning. 

Gulf moved closer, his voice soft but commanding. "It's okay, Mew... Look at me." His icy mist spread through the room, slowly pulling Mew's heat into it. "You're safe. We're safe. Nothing can harm us

here. Our space right here, no one can enter, no one can hurt us when we're together" 

Mew's dark eyes locked on Gulf's cold ones, recognizing the familiar face of his soulmate and it was in that moment, sensing Mew's fight on the other side of the fire, that Gulf leaned in, pressing a soft, cold kiss to Mew's lips, blowing a healing calm air into his mouth after each one. The flames flickered, then slowly began to die down, soothed by Gulf's touch. Gulf's hands wandered, trailing over Mew's chest, his touch icy yet intimate, grounding Mew back to the present, pulling him from the flames of his anger and fear. 

"You've got me," Gulf whispered against Mew's skin, his lips trailing to Mew's neck, then jaw. The heat receded further, and soon the fire was gone, replaced by the warmth of their closeness. As the fog cleared and the ice melted away, Gulf opened the door to Haven, and their family returned cautiously. 

Gulf smiled reassuringly. "Everything's okay now. We've got it under control like we always do," he said softly, still holding Mew close. 

The energy in the room shifted as the danger passed, and another card—The Hierophant—began to glow softly with a blue light. Gulf's touch revealed it. "This card is about tradition and wisdom," he read.

"It's a reminder that we're building something strong, something lasting, not just for us, but for all of you, our family, for our kingdom." 

Mew nodded, touching the card as well, his hands shaking. "But we have to be careful not to let traditions bind us. We can still create our own rules, our own ways." 

Jom, standing by the door, spoke up this time. "It's about balance. The old ways have wisdom, but you two are a force of your own. You'll find the right way forward together." 

The final card glowed gold with warmth—The Dream, a reflection of the hopes and aspirations they shared. Gulf touched it, and the glow turned green, offering him an intuition boost. He smiled at Mew, a quiet understanding passing between them. 

"We've built something so beautiful, haven't we?" Gulf said, his voice soft but full of love. 

"We have," Mew replied, his fiery nature now calm, his hand intertwined with Gulf's. "Something worth protecting with my life, and we're only going to keep building. together" he said.

And with that, the energy of the cards was absorbed into them, amplifying their bond, their elements, and their love for each other. They left Haven hand in hand, knowing they had faced another trial

together, stronger for it. Outside, the community cheered softly for their kings, their hearts full, as Mew and Gulf stood united, ready to face whatever came next.

MewGulf & the Tales of the Tarot Vol 6Where stories live. Discover now