✎ Chapter 3

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All the counselors were scattered around the campfire, chatting lively as loud music boomed through a stereo set up by the drink bar. I stood by myself, wearing a simple black crop top and jeans, clutching a red plastic cup filled with lemonade. The summer air was warm, and I nodded my head to the beat, enjoying the buzz of energy around me.

I heard the crunch of grass behind me and glanced over my shoulder, locking eyes with Callix, who looked as annoyed as ever.

"Escape plan failed?" I teased, a smirk tugging at my lips.

He rolled his eyes but came to stand next to me, though keeping a reasonable distance. Progress, I thought. "Who knew a camp was so hard to escape from," he muttered, eyeing the lively scene around us.

"Well, it's a summer camp with a bunch of kids. Plenty have tried to escape before, so yeah, they've kind of made it escape-proof," I said with a bit of sass.

Callix frowned, crossing his arms as if contemplating a response. Just as he opened his mouth, I saw Maeve making her way toward us, her camp shirt tied at the waist and a playful grin plastered on her face. She was practically bouncing to the music, and I couldn't help but feel a bit lighter seeing her.

"There you are, Riri!" Maeve called out, her voice full of its usual warmth and mischief. She caught sight of Callix and raised an eyebrow. "And who's this?"

Callix gave her a sidelong glance, clearly unamused by her energy. "Callix," he said shortly.

Maeve, unfazed by his gruff demeanor, extended her hand with a grin. "Ah, Calvin." She smiled, glancing at me. "Kyle told me." She said with a chuckle.

"Maeve, Aurelia's best friend. You know, the fun one."

I snorted at that, shaking my head. "Nice to see you make an entrance, Mae."

Callix glanced at her hand, then back at her face before reluctantly shaking it. "I'll take your word for it."

Maeve didn't miss a beat, turning to me with an exaggerated wink. "Oh, he's got that whole brooding thing down, huh? You sure know how to pick your neighbors, Riri."

Before I could respond, I caught sight of Kace heading toward us, his casual demeanor suddenly a bit stiffer when he noticed Callix standing next to me. His guitar was slung over his shoulder, and the sunlight reflected off his messy brown hair as he approached, but there was a hint of unease in his normally relaxed expression.

"Hey, Aurelia," Kace greeted, his voice a little quieter than usual, his eyes flicking between me and Callix. "Maeve." He nodded at her, then turned his gaze toward Callix, the slightest hint of wariness in his posture. "Who's this?"

"Callix," Callix replied before I could introduce him, his tone even, but there was a subtle tension between the two.

Maeve, ever the peacekeeper, sensed the shift and quickly jumped in. "Oh, don't mind him, Kace. He's just plotting his great camp escape. You should totally help him." She elbowed Kace playfully, trying to lighten the mood.

Kace chuckled, but there was something off in his laugh. "Yeah, I'm not much of a runner. Maybe I'll stick to serenading the kids instead."

Callix smirked slightly, his eyes narrowing just a fraction. "Serenading? Sounds thrilling."

As we gathered around the campfire, the warm glow danced in our eyes, casting flickering shadows on the faces of the campers. Maeve nestled in beside me, her excitement palpable, while Callix settled next to me, maintaining a respectful distance that somehow felt comfortable. Kace took a seat next to Maeve, subtly looking at Callix with a glance.

"Just what we need, another distraction," Kace murmured, though his voice was low enough that it didn't draw attention.

Callix caught the comment but remained unfazed, his lips curving into a slight smirk. "Distraction? I prefer to think of it as adding a little flavor to the mix." He gazed into the fire, his expression relaxed.

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