"Forgiving The World, Finding You"

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"I forgive the world for how it has treated me.'
"Because It has you in it."

I forgive the world for every scar it carved into me,
for every time it shattered my spirit and left me bleeding.
I forgive it for the endless storms, the heartache,
the betrayals that stole my faith in anything good.
I forgive it for breaking me down to the point
where I didn’t recognize myself anymore.

Why? Because it gave me you.

And in you, I found everything I never knew I needed.

You are the light that cuts through the darkest corners of my soul,
the reason I can stand in the ruins of what life has done to me
and still believe in beauty, in love, in hope.
You make every tear I cried, every moment of suffering,
feel like it had a purpose—
like somehow, the universe was leading me to you all along.

The world may have been merciless, cruel,
but you...
you make me see that even in its cruelty,
there is something worth holding onto.
You are the reason I forgive it all,
because as long as you exist in it,
I can find peace with everything it’s taken from me.

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