Split Souls

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"According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves."
(yes I'm a hopeless romantic)

They say we were once whole,
Two faces, four hands, four feet,
But the gods feared our strength,
So they tore us apart, incomplete.

In this modern world of screens and noise,
I wonder if Zeus still watches us-
Divided, searching, aching.
We scroll through lives,
Swiping past faces,
Eyes grazing profiles,
But something deeper pulls us in.

I believe in soulmates, still,
Even if we've forgotten how to feel.
I see it in your eyes-
Not just blue or brown or hazel,
But something old,
Something ancient,
A recognition buried beneath the everyday,
Whispering, there you are.

And though the world is loud,
Though distance and doubt
Twist between us like vines,
I believe we're meant to find each other,
As we always have,
Since the gods first split us in two.

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