Russian spies and Indian lies

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Solenski plaza, Russia

On the outskirts of the plaza, an abandoned building is being occupied by Luchkov, a Russian general, and his thugs. In front of them are two women tied to chairs.

Luchkov stares at them before speaking "This was not how I wanted the evening to go" Lily rolls her eyes before speaking not noticing Natasha's glare, " We know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me, this is better."

Luchkov glares at them " I'd like to know why they sent you to carry out a carrier." one of the thugs balances Lily's chair on the edge of an open floor.

Seeing her soulmate in danger, Natasha panics " I thought General Soholob was in charge of the export business." He laughs " Soholob? Your reputations are quite a progression. The famous black widows. Nothing but some pretty faces." Lily laughs " You think we're pretty?"

Luchkov sighs and walks over to a table grabbing a pair of pliers as a thug holds open Lily's mouth. Panicking Lily starts to struggle before everyone hears a phone ring and they pause. Luchkov answers the phone hearing someone's voice on the line. "  You're at 114 Solenski Plaza, 3rd floor. We have an F22 exactly 8 miles out. Put the redhead on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby." Luchkov's eyes widen as he places the phone against Natasha's ear.

(Natasha, Coulson)


"We need you to come in."

"Are you kidding? I'm working!"

"This takes precedence."

"I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything"

"Look, you can't pull us out of this right now."

"Natasha. Barton's been compromised."

"Let me put you on hold."

Natasha nods at Luchkov, As he comes to take the phone off her, she hits him with her leg and headbutts him. Still tied to the chair she stands up and kicks the thug in the face knocking him out. She then flips and falls on the last thug breaking the chair.

Natasha then walks over to Lily leaning over her as she is still tied to the chair, she grabs her chin and says " What did I tell you about rolling your eyes" "But it wasn't even at you Nat" Lily whines, Natasha raises her eyebrow at her causing Lily to blush and look away muttering an "I'm sorry" Natasha smirks "Good girl" she said before leaning down and kissing her hard while untieing her, Pulling away with a smirk she picks the phone back up.

" Where's Clint now?"

" We don't know."

" But he's alive."

" We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you guys get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy."

" Bozhe moi."

Indian slums

A little girl runs up the steps to an old shack, the girl starts to look around frantically and spots Bruce Banner. She starts to walk towards him only to be stopped by an attendant woman "What are you doing here?! Get out! You shouldn't be here!" As the woman tries to shew her out the girl cries out "I have to see the doctor it's my father" Banner walks over to her "Calm down, what's wrong" "My father" she trails off looking at all the sick people laying on the ground. " is he like them" holding out all of her money looking desperately "please."

The girl runs through the town with a banner trying to keep up with her. As he follows the girl into her home, he watches her escape through a window. As he stares at the window dumbfounded Natasha and Lily move from behind the curtains, watching Banner turn around. As they lock eyes with him they realize he is another one of their soulmates.

Natasha smirks at him "You know for a man who is supposed to be avoiding stress you picked a hell of a place to live" Banner sighs "Avoiding stress isn't the secret" Lily smiles "then what is, yoga" Banner than raises an eyebrow at her and smirks as she looks away blushing. Looking back a Natasha "you brought me to the edge of the city and I assume the whole place is surrounded" "just you and us" as the conversation continues Lily starts to space out just staring at Bruce.

Suddenly Bruce yells "stop lying to me" and being startled Natasha pulls Lily behind her after she flinches. Bruce looks toward Lily with regret " I'm sorry, that was mean. I just wanted to see what you'd do. Why don't we do this the easy way, ok"

Smiling Lily pops her head out from behind natasha, "Im Lily this is natasha, your my soulmate right" smiling at her enthusiasm bruce nods "yeah, im bruce banner". Lily then proceeds to run up and hug him, snuggling into his warmth. Bruce looks up at natasha, "she may look sweet now but she's a little brat with me and Clint" Lily then rolls her eyes at natasha but yelps as bruce pinches her side, whining she glares at bruce but he just raises and eyebrow " Wipe that glare off your face, little one" Blushing Lily looks away and walks out the door with bruce and natasha following after her with smirks on their faces.

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