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[In the Elaria empire]

Duchess Thanasia sat at her desk, papers and documents scattered before her, the soft scratching of her quill the only sound breaking the silence in her office.

She was already back to her duties, pushing herself harder than ever, finding comfort in the endless sea of work.

Her butler, old and faithful, stood nearby with a look of concern etched on his face.

"Your Grace," he began, his voice soft but firm?

"Should I prepare some refreshments"?

Thanasia paused for a brief moment but refused politely, her response calm, yet distant, as though she had reverted to the composed, calculating self she was known for.

"You were in a coma for a month. You should leave these tasks to me. Rest until you've fully recovered," the butler urged.

Thanasia didn't look up from the parchment she was signing. Her patience for his nagging had long since run thin

"Enough,"her quill scratching harder against the paper.

"But, Your Grace-"

"she cut him off sharply, "If you have nothing more to add, leave me be. I won't repeat myself."

The butler sighed, bowing his head slightly before retreating from the room. Thanasia barely noticed him leave, her mind already buried deep in matters of state, battle plans, and preparations for the inevitable confrontation with the Emperor of Arcanelli.

Work had always been her refuge. It was in these moments of focus, where her mind could lose itself in strategy and governance, that she could forget the painful memories of her past-the betrayals, the loneliness, and the cold emptiness that had once consumed her heart.

That emptiness had been her constant companion for years, filling the void left by a life of duty and battle. Until Athena was born.

The thought of her daughter made her hand falter for a moment and filled her head. She hadn't seen her since the previous night, and though it hadn't been long, her heart longed to see her, the quill pausing mid-stroke.

"Perhaps I'll visit her,

Thanasia thought to herself, glancing at the clock on the wall. It was just 8:00 AM. Athena wouldn't wake until 9:00 AM, but a quick look wouldn't hurt.

Thanasia stood up swiftly, her movements deliberate as she headed towards the balcony. She opened the window, her eyes scanning the garden below. Without a second thought, she leapt from the balcony, landing gracefully on the grass below. Moving with quiet speed, she made her way to Athena's room.

"I'll just see her and leave," she muttered to herself, justifying the sudden impulse.

Reaching Athena's window, Duchess gently opened it from the outside and slipped in with practiced ease. But the moment her feet touched the floor, something felt wrong.

The room was empty.

Her eyes swept over the space, scanning every corner. The bed was made, untouched since the night before. The curtains were drawn, and the soft morning light streamed into the room. But there was no sign of Athena.

Frowning, Thanasia moved through the room, searching in every possible hiding spot. She checked the closet, under the bed, behind the curtains-anywhere a mischievous girl might be hiding. But there was no trace of Athena.

Suddenly, a cold feeling spread through her chest. It started as a tingle, a subtle warning from deep within her instincts, but it quickly grew into something more-a sense of dread.

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