The Devil's Deal 😈

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Aaransh's POV:-

The night was supposed to be simple but it's becoming more twisted. It's going all wrong .

It's only supposed to be a business dinner to finalize the deal with Aisha, the woman everyone underestimated—everyone but him. 

Aisha was tough, no doubt about it. There was fire behind those eyes of hers, a fire that had drawn him to her from the start.
But tonight, that fire was in danger of being snuffed out by some arrogant, drunk bastard who didn’t know when to shut his mouth.

I could feel it the moment he approached our table. The thick scent of whiskey clung to his breath, his steps uneven as he staggered over, dragging his eyes all over Aisha like she was some object he could buy. His presence instantly set me on edge.
Aisha didn’t flinch—her face stayed composed, her back straight—but I saw the way her fingers curled around her glass, how tightly she held it.

The man leered at her, flashing what he probably thought was a charming smile. “Rithvik RaiSinghani,” he slurred, swaying slightly as he introduced himself like the name should mean something. Spoiled rich boy, the type I’ve dealt with before. But tonight, he was about to make a mistake.

Quite a treat to see someone beautiful  like you here,” he continued, his eyes trailing slowly up Aisha’s body, lingering too long on her chest before finally meeting her eyes. 

Aisha raised an eyebrow, forcing herself to maintain composure. “We’re in the middle of a business deal, and you're intruding in between,so please leave.” she replied, her voice steady but laced with irritation.

Rithvik chuckled, undeterred. “Oh, come on. Why don’t you join me for a glass of wine? I promise it’ll be worth your while, sweetheart.” Ritvik leaned in closer, his breath thick with alcohol ,his words dripped with an undertone that made her skin crawl.

My jaw tightened, a flicker of protective anger igniting in my gaze. I leaned forward slightly, casting a hard look at Rithvik. “She’s not interested,” I said, my tone sharp and unwavering. 

 "We could have some fun. And, who knows, I might be able to offer you a better deal than this guy," he said, gesturing lazily at me. “All you have to do is... keep me company tonight.”


For a moment, Aisha’s body froze. Her mind was racing, her anger clawing its way to the surface, but she forced herself to breathe. Not here. Not now. She wasn’t just a woman; she was a CEO. She wouldn’t let a man like Ritvik take that power away from her.


He smirked, his lips curling in that disgusting, drunken way that made my blood boil. I could see  Aisha tense, the calm façade cracking just a little. Her eyes were blazing, but she kept quiet. She was good at that—holding her anger in check when needed. But not me. Not tonight.

Before I knew it, I was on my feet. The chair scraped loudly against the floor, catching the attention of a few nearby tables. My fists were clenched so tight, I could feel the blood rushing to my knuckles. The urge to snap this guy in half was overwhelming. 

“Back. Off.” My voice came out low and measured, but there was no mistaking the threat behind it.

Rithvik blinked, swaying slightly as he turned his bleary eyes toward me. “Hey, easy there man,just relax a little.” he chuckled, completely oblivious to the danger he was in. “Just having a little fun, right? Nothing wrong with admiring such a beautiful lady.”

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