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"FUCK!" August walked around in the middle of the room, his best friend Tommy still standing at the TV with the remote in his hand shaking, staring at the wanted picture on the screen of his best and only friend.. August

Tommy spun around to find a gun to his head "A-Auggie.... August" Tommy stared wide-eyed at the person he thought he once knew.

"I'm sorry Tommy" was the last thing he heard before his head felt warm and.. wet? The only thing he could see was a white light before his vision was blinded by a deep crimson red, and before he felt like his brain melted, he heard the louds 'bang', the feeling of bones cracking, the sound was unbearable, Tommy felt a sudden lightness like the pain washed away just by a blink of an eye.

This felt so long for Tommy.

But for August it took seconds, and just with one small movement his best friend fell to the floor, crimson red blood painted August and the ground below. Tommy looked so- so very lonely on the floor, August dropped to his knees moving the loose hair behind his ear. August whispered "it's okay, it's all okay, now" August stood up quickly going to pack his things, he looked in the mirror his face covered in blood, in like what you might think, August didn't feel upset or even the smallest bit of guilt, honestly August felt nothing about killing his best friend.

August looked over to the lifeless body of a person August cared for so much, laying on the floor, he smiled, he was always smiling, they always smiled.

August looked away running towards the car rushing to put his things in, once everything was piled up in the back seat August grabbed the keys and jumped in the driver seat turning the car on, only when August was on the highway he put his seatbelt on, it wouldn't be great to be pulled over, now.

August ended up in a.. café? Odd August doesn't remember driving here, His stomach growling his hunger must've gotten them here. The café was actually really nice; it had windows that met the floor to the roof with vines growing over top of it, with flowers and moss poking out from the cracks of the pastel pink brinks. The light littered the ground outside, lighting the path along the building. He walked towards the glass door pushing it open, A soft sound bell rang when the door opened.

August walked up to the counter where a handsome looking fellow walked over to serve him, he was tall with short brunette dreadlocks in, a pair of clear glasses rested on his nose, he was wearing a baby pink apron over dark clothes "Hello! How may I get you started for today?" The tall man looked at the clock "well uhh finish..?" He spoke with a heavy French accent. He nervously smiled at August, it was 9.. pm. What café stays open this late?

"Um something easy.." August stood staring at the man, 'this dude had some odd looking eyes' one eye was brown while the other green. Other than the odd colour of his eyes which were very pretty atleast to August, It suited the awkward worker. He just stared at his eyes 'such perfect shades'. The stranger shifted under August's stare.

"Uh, like a coffee or some..thing... Pie?" the man nervously bit on his lip

"pies, great." August softly smiled moving his attention away from his eyes, that seemed to bring the worker some confidence as he.. blushed? Maybe...

August seemed to be the only person in the cafe other than the hottie serving him. The barista turned away, going to put a small pie in the microwave oven. "Why's this place open so late anyways?" August played with a straw from the holder.

"Oh! Usually some stray cats or dogs come around for food so I stay until late to feed them, and sometimes some poor people come round for some leftovers" he was more chatty now.

"That's sweet.." August didn't realise what he said until the male looked at him flustered. "Sooo what's your name?" August decided to just start a conversation with the worker liking his little reactions

"Uhh.. Se...thh..." he looked away embarrassed, his voice getting small "hi seeeeee.. thhhhhhh I'm Augusss..tusss, but call me August.. please" Seth chuckled softly, pulling the freshly cooked pie out of the small oven. August watched him contently put the pie on the plate and sent it in front of August.

"your pie's ready" Seth smiled ready to walk away before August grabbed his hand "Come sit with me"

Seth blushed a deep crimson red "I uhh" he stared at their holding hands "s-sure.."

"Yay..!" August smiled, picking up the plate and walking over to a table hand still interlocked with Seth's, they both sat down next to each other.

Seth sat next to him not daring to look at him. August put both his and Seths hand on the table as he ate. August traced his thumb gently over the various scars on the other's hand, with enough courage Seth asked August a question he didn't think he'll hear,

"Are you single?"

August looked at Seth with wide eyes "sorry?" He was stunned, questioning if he's about to be hit on.

"um no I um just I want to... No I umm.. fuck sorry that was weird I shouldn't have asked sorry" August laughed squeezing Their hand. Seth looked away, really embarrassed "shut.. up" August laughed harder at Seth's embarrassment. Shortly after, Seth laughed with him. Two idiots laughing in an empty café.

After their laughing fit they both looked at each other "what's with your eyes?"

Seth was confused until he remembered their oddly coloured eyes, "they're weird aren't they.." he looked away to try and hide them. August put his hand on his cheek turning Seth's head towards himself.

"I think I worded that wrong haha they're cool, really cool"

"You think so?" August let out a small hum of approval, staring at his face. August pulled his hand away, looking down.

"You work here, alone?" Seth also looked down, he fiddled with his hands looking embarrassed, like the fact of working alone late in the night was depressing.. Which it was.

"Of course not, they just don't work this late heh" he smiled. August looked at him again resting his head on his free arm, still holding Seth's hand.

"What about you, do you work?" he asked August, he got a panicky look on his face and recoiled, releasing Seth's hand to be met with the cold outside air, leaving a cold burning feeling in Seth's flesh from where the other hand was, he moved his hand to his thigh to try and warm it up as August pondered on an answer,

August can't quite tell him he's a full time robber as a job,

"I don't work I can't" Seth looked confused "I mean- I can't.. no one will hire me" August closed his eyes 'good save' he was proud of himself. "Hmm I could help you get a job if you'd like?" Seth offered. August would accept but with his name and face on the news he couldn't. "It's fine, I'm sure I'll get one soon enough".

The two talked for hours until it was nearly midnight. They talked about all sorts of subjects, even sometimes just sitting In silence just enjoying each other's company. When they both decided they should go home it was around 12 at night, August helped clean and lock up the café before leaving.

"Uh drive safe" Seth waved goodbye, noticing August walking towards a nice green car, stolen of course but Seth doesn't know that

"Oh yeah—" August ran up to Seth holding out the last of his money, "for the pie" Seth pushed his hand away

"It's fine," he smiled.

"You sure?" August pushed, but the brunette only nodded; assuring August that it was fine.

Seth and August both waved goodbye to each other before going their separate ways.

'Tap, tap, tap'

August woke up in the backseat of his car by the sound of tapping. He sat up looking out the side window. It was raining and Seth was there, it was still dark out. August didn't bother driving, and he had nowhere to drive to so he stayed in the parking lot. After a considerable amount of time to realise Seth was outside, He unlocked and opened the door for him. Seth welcomed himself in the car, sitting down and closing the door, turning to look straight at August.

August was very sleep deprived; he didn't even bother to acknowledge the situation and just passed out, unfortunately landing his head in Seths lap snoring as soon as he met with Seth's thigh. "I-" Seth began but his own panic dissipated and his thoughts were just thinking how cheesy and cliché this scene was, he just patted August's head allowing him to sleep.

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