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August drove for a while, until it was dark and the car ran out of fuel. "For fuck sakes" he groaned turning the car off. He was parked on the side of a highway at least 4 hours from LA away from the distraction. And the murders. August reached over for his phone on the passenger floor, he turned it on and was met with a message.


Rich Cunt


Rich Cunt
Did you want to come over Saturday? My mother has come for a visit and she wanted to meet you?

You told your mother about me??

Rich Cunt
It came up in conversation.

Right.. Uhh i would but i'm not in
LA anymore

Rich Cunt
What?! I thought you lived here..
Actually.. that explains why you slept in your car.


Rich Cunt
Where are you going? I know you have no where to sleep other than that car, and you don't have a Job for money. You can stay at my house, I have all this room for nothing.


And that's where his phone died. "... i'm gonna jump" He tossed his phone back to the floor, releasing a sigh and giving up for the night. He made sure the car was locked, and hoped in the back seat getting comfortable before falling into a restless sleep.

August woke to the blinding light of the sun, and it was freezing, the windows were iced and he's breath cold. August pulled his coat over himself, unlocking the car to get out.

"Fucking shit its cold" He complained while shivering. 'I need to run or something.. Actually I need to find a gas station' and so he ran. When he was driving he made a left turn going about 3 minutes before he came to a stop, so he just continued running that way.

August ran for almost an hour before he couldn't anymore, He slipped like three times because of the snow on the ground.

Stopping for a rest, he spotted a restaurant up ahead. 'At least this wasn't for nothing' he walked this time, to the place. Pioneer Saloon was what it was called, it looked very southern, he pushed the wooden doors open with a bell sounding. He walked in being met with tables and a bar, country music playing softly on the speakers.

A burly man stood behind the bar with a long beard and ponytail in, he was wiping a glass before he looked up and saw August. Behind the bar were like 100 bottles of different alcohol and above them were... bras all hung up, some had tassels, some had boobs on them and old granny ones too, August immediately looked away.

"Sorry son, but we're not open yet" it took like two consecutive business days for the gears in August's head to turn, to realise he was being spoken to.

"Oh sorry, um, no my car ran out of petrol and I just needed some petrol and this is like the first place I saw, so um." August fiddled with his hands trying to keep his eyes off the bras

"You're not from here, are you?" He spoke with a southern accent.

"No, sir"

" 'no, suh' I like that, formal and yeah I can tell, you'r accent is different, France?" this pained August, not only because 'France'? It's french.. the man smiled, grabbing a glass "21?" he asked another question, pouring an orange liquid into the glass.

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