Not so tuff now

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Skyes pov

Oh no, oh no it's the hour again, please please don't let them come again, I say to myself over and over again, hoping just maybe that they won't come for the daily beating and that there all dead and wards gonna come through that door, that he got my message, but unfortunately he doesn't, unfortunately all the guards are still alive and I hear the clock strike one 'oh no' i thought to myself as two big men walk in smiling at me whilst holding their knuckles
'great' i thought I myself
"You know what time it is little girl" he says in his thick Russian accent
"I'm not a little girl I could beat the shit at of you if I could get out of these ropes and I think you know that" I snap back with a smile hoping he would fear me and test the hypostasise but I was wrong, there smarter than they look that trick always used to work so why not now I think to myself before I fist landed straight into my ribs cracking them, I scream at the pain they've just caused but all they do is laugh
"Not so tuff now are you" he says whilst I'm between laughs, but all I could focus on was my breathing so I wouldn't pass out I can't be unconscious whilst in the hands of strucker I don't know where I'll wake up so I need to stay awake, just bare through the pain.
'it will be ok, I kept telling myself but deep down I knew it wasn't, I knew I'll probably die down here before ward comes because I know he'll at least try because of how stubborn he is, and for a second of time all my fear and pain was gone at the thought of ward wow he has a hold on me, I've never felt this way before he was special and I knew it that's why I did what I did for him, the man I love, but then my thoughts were interrupted when I herd gun shots out side of the door
"Ward" I shouted, then again and again, my lungs felt like they were going to explode from how loud I was shouting, but then my shouts were interrupted by the sound of my cell unlocking and the door opening
"Ward" I say
"Think again" they reply I look at them with horror
"Not you" I say with fear in my voice

A/N huh who is this mystery man???
I'm sorry this chapter is so short having a bit of writers block at the moment but I won't give up till this book is finished as always can you please
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