So she said.

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so she had said to me. 'Let us run, my dearest. Let us run to the end of time together. Let us run through fields of every possible flower. Let us run with dandelions in our grip. Let us make a wish. You and me. Dear. You and me against the cruelty.' I would jump onto her raft set on the horizon and we would sail away. We would use the waves to take us to what everyone could dream of and more. But then she'd say. 'You are a very gullible girl, my dear. You are very gullible. It would be such a disgrace if someone didn't push you away.' I would be thrown off the raft. I would sink into the depths of my own mistakes. I would go on for miles and miles. I would go through change. My body would be chewed on by passing creatures. I cant swim. Even if i could I wouldn't try. Were will they find me when i am gone? When all is left is a skeleton missing its lungs because they exploded half way down. 'My dearest friend' so she had said.

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