Abandoned House Pt.1- OT7 BTS

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Y/n's pov:

I groaned softly as I flutter open my eyes, I just woke up from my nap and there's chaos entering my ear already.

I sighed as I sat up on the couch, turning towards the sleeping figure beside me, how the hell did he even get on the same couch as me.

"hobi wake up!" i called out to the sleeping boy who was also napping in the same couch as me, his legs were tangled in mine.

"Hey! My legs!" i pouted as i shook him awake and the sunshine began to finally wake up, his eyes open as he stretched his arms before falling off the couch. Idiot.

I sighed as I popped my knuckles before standing up to check out what the fuss outside was about.

As I walked towards the noise, it was only getting louder and I could pick up some words.

"what are we gonna do now!?"

"what do you mean by that? Of course we need to save them!"

"it's fucking 10 pm why can't you guys sleep or let others sleep peacefully, who told jungkook and jimin to do that silly shit at this time of an hour anyway?"

I walked to the kitchen where, Namjoon, taehyung, yoongi and Jin were present. Hobi was behind me as we both walked in the kitchen, however no sign of jimin or jungkook.

"guys what's happening?" i asked as I looked at a distressed Namjoon and taehyung holding their phones.

"jimin and jungkook were both being idiots and decided it was a fun idea to explore a abandoned house at this of an hour.. But seriously what were they thinking!?" Namjoon replied as he was holding his phone.

"And they said that they got lost in the house and can't find an exit.." taehyung added, that poor boy looked so terrified right now.

Hobi was in pure shock as he began to question them while I just thought to myself how could someone be so brave to enter an abandoned house.

"Guys. We need to go, their service is terrible but luckily jimin was able to send the location, let's go" Jin spoke and caught everyone's attention, yoongi huffed and nodded.

"also guys gather some tools.. You never know what could happen" Namjoon adviced and taehyung and yoongi along with hobi started gathering resources along with water bottles.

I quickly went to my room and changed my pj's into something decent, and wore a jacket on top, I put my phone, lighter and a small flashlight in the pockets of my jacket as I walked back downstairs.

I reunited with everyone else as we settled our things in the car and got In, I was sitting in the last backseat with taehyung while hobi and yoongi were in the middle row, Namjoon in passanger seat (he's a passenger princess, got no license. Lol) while Jin was driving.

I was nervous thinking about the whole situation, I could remember myself complaining about everyday being like the same day, but today was definitely different, not in a good way.

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