Runaway -Kim Namjoon

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Author's Pov:

Namjoon lived in a quiet apartment building, with him and another person only being the two living here and it sometimes also make him feel a bit isolated from the outside world, recently he had been dealing with depression, and because of that he has been staying in his apartment most of the time.

Not too far away from the apartment was the Royal Mansion where lived the town chief himself, Mr Jang and his daughter, Jang Y/n.

However it was none of namjoon's interest.

3 Pm

Namjoon opened the fridge sighing a bit as he realized that he ran out of beer cans. He walked back to his room.

He took off his shirt and changed Into something more presentable.

He put in a white button up with some jeans, he grabbed his phone and keys before he left his apartment.

Walking his way towards the nearest store, he saw how the royal mansion was decorated more than usual, probably some events, that's what he thought before he continued walking.

Finally he had reached the store, he immediately went to cold beverages aisle and picked up a carton of beer cans, he walked to check out as he placed the carton and reaches inside his pocket only to realize that he had forgetten his wallet at home, he mentally facepalmed.

"dude, you know I'm local here, I'll pay for it later I promise." he said to the cashier and the cashier shook his head.

"you've done that a lot of times now, I'm sorry but no more bro, make sure to bring your wallet next time" the cashier replied, and Namjoon just groaned, running his hands through his hair.

'I'll quickly get my wallet' he thought to himself as he immediately rushed out  and started walking back to his apartment. He was taking long steps, there was commotion happening around him but he didn't care as he was only annoyed about one thing at the time. However.

He bumped into someone..
that person immediately fell to the ground, he looked down and narrowed his eyes, the woman was wearing a wedding dress, but her clothes got dirty when she fell. When she looked up at him, his eyes widened, isn't that the chief's daughter? Y/n?

"oh my god, help me please!" she begged as he tried to stand up but stumbled again bit he held her hand. But she started running while dragging him, he was so confused but continued to run with her. "Whats happening?" he yelled while they were running.

"im running away.. They are forcing me to marry the wolgwang's chief! They are after me. " he quickly understood the situation and started running ahead of her. She stumbled again, he quickly leaned down and picked her up in his arms, bridal style, he Continued to run while holding her, she twisted her foot when she stumbled, she was groaning.

"let's go to my place" he muttered as he continued his fast pace while holding her.

Finally he Reached his apartment and went inside the elevator. He tried to put her down "can you stand?" she just groaned when her foot touched the ground and that was a big sign for him that she most definitely couldn't stand. He continued to hold her. As the elevator door opened with a ding, be walked out to the hallway, until he stopped in front of a door, quickly trying to unlock the passcode while struggling to hold her.

Finally the door opened and entered the apartment, closing the door with his leg as he carried her to the living room couch. He placed her on the couch and finally looked at her face, she was in much pain as she was sniffling softly. His eyes softened, he crouched down, removing her heels gently as he held her foot and she yelped.

"shh, it's okay.. Hold the pillow, it'll take just a second, I promise.." she obeyed and took the pillow, burying her face in it as he took a deep breath before he turned her foot to different direction, earning more wincing and painful cries out of her. And then eventually he found the right direction.

"alright.." he uttered under his breath before he twisted her foot again and she groaned loudly trying to kick her feet but then the pain went away, she moved the pillow from her face, she was crying. He let's go of her foot and sits up beside her..

"tell me everything.. In full detail"


A/n: I personally loved this idea so much and thought about making it into a story but then I remembered how I abandoned a bunch of my story ideas because it's not pleasing enough.. But here it is.. Maybe part two

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