Chapter Eight

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Ben went home a while ago and brought his bag with him. I've been up in my room all lonely after he did. His absence left me alone, away in Benworld.

After a while of being stuck there, I decided I'd go chill with my parents. I got off the bed and went downstairs and into the kitchen, where they were both making dinner together.

Nice to see Dad helping. He cooks pretty damn good, too.

So imagine a meal that both my parents help prepare.

Oh, hell yes!

"Hey," I say as I enter the kitchen. "What's for dinner?"

"We don't know, we're just throwing a bunch of stuff into a pot," my dad answers.

"Carrots, broccoli, corn, peas, rice, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, and meat," my mom lists the ingredients as she sprinkles seasoning into it. "And I don't know what this stuff is!"

It'd be a fucking miracle if it actually turns out okay.

I stand there awkwardly as my father dumps a small container of mushrooms into the mix.

"Is your friend still here?" Mom asks as she puts what looks like cheese in the pot.

I'll eat something else for dinner tonight.

"No, Ben went home not too long ago," I answer as my phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out and check who it's from.


Oh! That reminds me!

"Can I go to a party on Friday?" I ask them.

"Be back before eleven and you can go wherever you want."

"Okay," is all I say before walking over to the pot on the stove. I look in it.

It looks like the grocery store shit in it.

"So, uh..." I start, trying to figure out how I'm gonna word my sentence.

"You don't have to eat this if you don't want to," my mom starts, "but I do want you to at least try it. You too, Philip!" With that, my mom skips out of the kitchen and to somewhere unknown.

"Okay, I'm not eating this, and you aren't either, right?" Dad asks as he motions towards the- I don't even know what to call it.


"I have a plan, don't worry!" A plan that involves getting away with not eating this junk. A plan made by Philip Worsnop. Can't be good, but it's worth a shot. I don't wanna eat this, I think I'm still a bit too young to die.

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