Chapter Nine

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I was rudely awakened by my bastard of an alarm. I groan and turn it off, then realize what day of the week it is.

"Hump day!" I shout, happy to be at the hump of the week. Wednesday. The weekend will be here before I know it!

I get out of bed and put on my clothes from yesterday because I'm so fucking lazy on hump days and run downstairs into the kitchen, grabbing my bookbag and phone on the way. Unlike how it is everyday, neither of my parents are in the kitchen. They sleep in on hump days to 'get into the mood'.

I open the snack cabinet and pull out two granola bars. I try to put it in my pocket, but something's in its way. I pull out what was in my pocket to find two chocolate bars. I shrug and toss the deformed chocolate bars onto the counter for whoever to clean up and stuff my granola bar in their place.

I walk out of the house and see Ben walking down the sidewalk, his head hung low and his hood up. I jog over to him. He notices me jogging over.

"Hey, Dan," he mutters quietly, not looking up from his feet.

"Hey, you alright?" I ask him. He nods, but makes no move to make eye contact. I use my finger to tilt his chin up.

"What the hell?" I ask when I see the skin under his left eye. He had a decent sized bruise there. "What happened?" He stares at me with those horror-filled eyes and doesn't say anything.

"Well?" I ask him again, a tad bit more harsh than the first time.

" Dad punched was an accident," he replies quietly, shifting his gaze to his feet again.

"You sure it was an accident, or do I have to go kick his ass?" is my reply.

"You love to kick ass, huh?" he asks me, reminding me of yesterday.

"Don't change the subject."

"I'm sure, we were playing but it got really rough. It was an accident, he apologized already."

I let his chin go as we start to walk to school together, talking about anything that came to our weird little minds. We did that, until Trenton came running over, whooping and cheering at the sight of me.

"Danny! Danny! Hi! Hi! Let's get to class now!" With that, he grabs my arm and takes off towards the building. I reached out to grab Ben too but Trenton was too quick this time. I'd just have to see Ben in class.

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