Chapter Thirty Seven

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I'm woken up around six in the morning when my phone starts ringing. I quickly glance at both Ben and Raeven to see if my phone woke them up too, but surprisingly, they're still sleeping peacefully.

I grab my phone with a groan of frustration and look to the screen, my eyes widening a little in surprise when I see my dad's contact across the screen.

I answer the call with a heavy heart and hold it up to my ear. "Yes?"

"Hey, Daniel," my father's hoarse voice speaks from the other line. "How are you?"

"Are you seriously asking me this after kicking me out less than twelve hours ago?" comes my dry response, being sure to speak in a hushed tone so I don't wake anyone.

"Your mother kicked you out, Daniel," he's quick to defend myself, which is fucking petty, if you ask me.

"Okay, but you didn't stop it from happening," I retort, and he doesn't say anything else. I speak again after another moment of silence passes by. "Why did you call me?"

"Look, Daniel, what your mother did last night was completely unreasonable. I honestly don't care that you're gay, or that you're dating another boy. I just don't want you following in Ben's footsteps."

"I won't, I'm trying to help him get better. Doing the same stuff he's doing won't help him at all. You should trust me more, Dad."

He's quiet again for a moment, and I take it as a bad sign. I open my mouth to speak, but he beats me to it.

"You're right, Daniel. You're a smart kid, and you're almost an adult. You should be able to make your own decisions."

"Wow. Thanks. That means so much," and maybe my sarcasm wasn't necessary at all, but he seems unfazed by it as he continues to speak.

"Anyways, I talked to your mother. Come home, and bring Ben so I can talk to him, but just give your mother some space, yeah?"

Now it's my turn to bring a moment of silence into this conversation as I consider his offer.

"I'll think about it."

"Okay. Talk to you later, Daniel," he says, and I can faintly hear disappointment behind his words, but I shrug it off as I mumble a simple response before the call disconnects.

I'm having mixed emotions about this whole fucking situation. I honestly don't want to go back to that house at all, but I can't stay at Raeven's forever, so what fucking choice do I have?

I brood about it until I hear an alarm go off on Raeven's phone, but she and Ben continue snoozing happily, unaware to the alarm going off. These kids are some heavy ass sleepers, because holy shit, how do they not hear it??

I take it upon myself to just wake them up myself since Raeven's alarm couldn't do the job. I start with Ben first, obviously, since he's curled up against me.

I look down at the sleeping mass of human, who had his head on my chest as he clung onto me in his sleep. The sight is so precious and pure that I almost decide to just watch him sleep and make him miss school right along with me, but then I remember the alarm still ringing out obnoxiously, and honestly, Ben would probably hate me for making him miss school.

So, I gently shake his shoulder until he lets out a groggy groan, his eyes fluttering open and briefly scanning his surroundings.

"Morning, ass cheeks," I greet him cheerily, who, still half asleep, sends me a confused look.

"Ass cheeks?"

"Yeah, and Ass Cheeks has to get ready for school. Up," I say, coaxing him into sitting up before getting off the air mattress and heading towards Raeven.

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