The Hospital (7)

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Lloyds pov.

I don't believe that Ellora wouldn't feel shame to punch Eri and then gang up on Haruki in the same week. It's only been 3 days since that incident.

I went over to Jamonikai village and searched the Alleyways, 4/5 were empty. I gasped when I saw Ellora's lifeless body "ELLORA! WHAT HAPPENED!?" I shouted, running up to her, her bones were poking out of her right leg and she was covered in a pool of her blood. 

My daughter, my only daughter is dead. 

I ran over to her to feel her pulse, ok, not dead but extremely injured. 

Who could've done this to her? I scrambled to take my phone out of my pocket and hastily rang the ambulance. 

"Don't worry Ell you'll be safe soon."

Harumi's pov.

I was finishing reading the scrolls from Shintaro when I got a call from Lloyd. 

"Lloyd? I thought you were dealing with Ellora?" I asked. 

"Um... Yes, I was and I still am, we're at North Ninjago City Hospital, care to join us?" He asked. I was confused, "What do you mean? Is Eri alright?" "Yes he's fine, but Ell isn't, she's needing 5 blood transfusions and her leg is... Derranged." I gasped, "I'll be right there!" I called for my royal advisor, Mr Hutchins, to cancel my schedule and order the royal taxi to North Ninjago Hospital.

Eri's pov.

I knew this was going to happen. 

Why didn't I tell anyone? Elloras leg has been in chopped off and been replaced with a prosthetic one. Here I am, I just healed from my injury and she got a worse one. And this feeling again!? Like something is tickling my stomach from the inside. I look at Elloras pale face, all my fault.

I hesitated and then put my hand on her shoulder. Wow she was pretty, I felt myself blush at the thought. I was looking at her frail body when the door opened and in walked Lloyd, Harumi and Haru. "Woah, am I interrupting something?" Lloyd questioned, I quickly pulled my hand away and felt my face grow red. "Um no, I was just uh-" I was cut off by Harumi who had just entered and seen Ellora, she ran up to her and held her hand "Who did this to her?" She started sobbing and I felt like it was the right time to step out of the room and leave the family be. I had been sitting outside for around 10 minutes, the ninjas walked in and out of her dorm until I heard Harumi shout "Ell!? Can you hear me?" She had woken up.

Elloras pov.

I opened my eyes to see a bright white ceiling staring back at me. Huh, that's strange. My room had a brown ceiling. I looked around to see all the ninjas huddled near me and my mum calling me to respond to her, I tried to get up. 


I had an IV line stuck to my arm. I looked around again, "What happened?" I asked. Then I remembered. I saw Haruki and I shouted at him "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Anger taking over me. He smirked and then put on a fake confused face 

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright, sister." 

He put on his puppy eyes, and my dad awed, "Your brother is just trying to be nice to you if you understand." I was furious, I wanted to shout at him, I wanted to slap my brother so hard on his face. But just then the doctor came in and said that I can't have so many visitors at once and that I need to get my rest. So one by one all the ninjas and my family left. I sighed and lifted the hospital bed so that I was in a sitting position. I was just about to go to close my eyes when the door opened, and in walked Eri.

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