The 'Therapist' (8)

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Elloras pov.

"What do you want?" I snapped at Eri, "Woah, Woah, Woah, can't a boy check if his best friend's sister is alright? Plus I wanted to apologise." I rolled my eyes and simply replied "Apology rejected." He sighed "Oh come on! I didn't even say anything!" He looked at the time and said, 

"Look Ellora, I'm an idiot, I agree, I've gotten such a big influence off your brother and his gang that I don't even know who I am anymore. I'm sorry that I splashed that water on you and I already forgave you for punching me, honestly, I deserved it. It gave me a lot to think about and now, I guess I know that I was wrong all along. So in short, I'm sorry." He finished. 

I chuckled, "You're obviously your father's son, he's always giving speeches about random stuff, and don't worry I forgive you, but I don't forgive my brother or his pathetic gang, they caused me to lose my leg, my rights and not to mention my self-confidence." He sighed, "you always had a way with words. I just ramble." 

I smirked "Wow ok, so I shouldn't have forgiven you should I?" He looked confused then scared then annoyed, I burst out laughing, "Your- Your face," I wheezed. He rolled his eyes. "Well um.. if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm free. I promise I won't tell anyone?" I giggled, "You've got to be kidding me, Eri I've known you for my whole life, you can't keep secrets of your life depended on it." Then I realised he kept my brother's gang a secret. "But yeah, I do need someone to talk to so from now on, you can be my therapist!" I declared before breaking down in giggles. He looked happy, said goodbye and left the room. Yes! I have someone trustworthy to talk to!

Eris pov.

I exited the room skipping over to my parents, "Someone looks happy," my Mum said, "Yeah I just apologised to Ellora and she actually forgave me!" My mum and dad looked at each other, "Why did you apologise?" My dad asked me. "Oh um, because I may have splashed water over her which caused her to punch me?" I squeaked. "My mum looked shocked, "What? I thought we told you not to abuse the purpose of your powers!? You'll get to use them plenty when you're a ninja Eri!" My mum scolded me, "yes mum..." I groaned. "By the way Eri, do you know why she was found in that alley?" "No, but I asked if she wanted to talk about it and she said that I could be her therapist." My face suddenly grew red "Oohhhhh looks like someone's in lov- OUCH!" My mum hit my dad before he could finish his sentence but I already knew what he was going to say. My whole face turned red, thank god Uncle Kai said wasn't here, he'd tell me off for stealing his 'trademark' colour.

Haruki's pov.

That annoying little- how dare he betray me! I have to tell the boys about what Eri did, I thought he accepted his place in my club but no! My dumb sister had to get in the way! I don't get what he sees in her anyway. Well, when I get my powers in 3 months I'll be able to destroy him, no need for Grace in this situation. Ugh, I hate everyone so much- what was that? 

Someone's knocking on my door? 

"Haru can I come in?" It was my dad, "yeah," I replied. He opened the sliding door and sat down on Elloras bed. "Um, ok well, let me get to the point. You know how your 15th birthday is coming up?" I nodded "Well I was just told by Master Wu - your granduncle - that the scrolls say the power should be transferred to you in a ritual-" "like the one we had when I was 5?" I cut across my dad, "Sort of, except this will have to happen in the temple of light, which... Is on the dark islands." He hesitantly finished. 

I kept quiet. My father had told me about his adventure at the dark islands. I didn't even want to become the green ninja and do that sort of stuff, I just wanted the powers but alas, my fate is inevitable. 

I sighed "Sounds good, but how will we all get there?" "All?" He questioned. "Well yeah!? I'm obviously having my birthday there, the temple of light! That place is legendary!" My dad chuckled, "I'll see what I can do." With that, he smiled and left the room.

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