IX - Never Regret It

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July 14th, 2015

Hiya. :) So I really have nothing to say about this chapter. 


I made a video for the 100, to the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. I know, kind of cliche, but I used a cover of the song, so it's a little different. ^_^ The link is above.


Chapter Nine

We had been walking through the "dead zone", as Jaha called it, for hours. It had taken us more than a day to make it out of the forest, and the dead zone seemed to go on forever. An endless scene of sun and sand, with not a soul in sight.

Perhaps that's why they called it the dead zone.

"You know, I never actually asked you, Murphy... But how did you get arrested?"

He sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I murdered someone."

"Why?" I hadn't meant to be so blunt, but it came out like that.

He looked over at me, a blank expression coming onto his face.

"Embege and I went out one night. Some drunk dick picked a fight with him, neither of us knew his name. But that didn't stop him from coming at John. He almost stabbed Embege, so I punched him. I guess I did it pretty hard, because the next thing I knew, his head hit the corner of the bar counter and there was a puddle of blood right beside his forehead," he sighed. "I killed somebody, and I still don't even know the bastard's name."

I bit my lip. "It's not your fault, I hope you know that."

He smiled. "You know, since I came down here, I haven't regretted it. Not one bit."

"Why not?"

"Because Jaha is right. I never would have met you if I didn't."

I couldn't help the smile that came onto my face.

"And yeah. I know that you were awake the whole time," he smirked. "Why do you think I changed the subject?" He reached over and put the hood of my jacket up, protecting my head from the sun.

I that led him stayed quiet for a while, then asked the question that I has completely unsure of. "Do you think we'll actually find it?"

He removed his arm from my shoulders, taking my hand again and leading me up a large sand dune that seemed similar to a hill. "We don't even know if it's real," he muttered.

I sighed. "You didn't answer the question."

He smirked. "To be honest, I don't know."

I smiled at him, and as we neared the top of the hill, I noticed something in the distance. "Hey, Murphy," he glanced back at me, then looked to where I was staring. "What is that? Is it a cart?"

He squinted into the light, shielding his eyes from the sun. "Yeah, I think so... But what's a cart doing in the middle of the desert?" he asked, and I didn't have an answer.

I saw Jaha walking down the hill, and followed after him, going past two skeptical-looking men on the way down. Murphy was behind me.

"What's the matter? You two got someplace better to be?" he asked them.

We were soon near the cart. I heard someone ask Jaha if he saw anyone, to which Jaha simply shook his head. Murphy and I stayed a little further back, while the others walked closer.

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