XXVI - Old... Friends?

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Hiiii. :)

I'm really sorry, guys. I know that I haven't updated lately, but this is unbelievably difficult. I'm running out of things to write for this story, and I'm contemplating putting it on hold until the next season. Either that, or have short and VERY slow updates. :/ I just don't know what to do, because I really don't have a story line to follow anymore. But I promise, I'll start writing a lot more once the third season starts up.

I hope you understand. I think I'm just gonna do slow updates, though. 

The song for this chapter is Unconditionally by Katy Perry. Just 'cause. :)


Chapter Twenty-Six

Raven and Octavia were the ones that told me what had happened. They explained the entire plan and how it had played out. They said that it was all okay now, the only thing missing was Clarke. But after what he had helped her do, I was almost surprised that Bellamy didn't go with her. I was happy that he didn't, though.

The guilt that I felt was profound. He was my best friend. I wanted to be with him, to help him... But I couldn't.

Sinclair was trying to see if he could build a drone similar to the one that I had described, the one that Jaha decided to run off to. That way, he could control it and try to see if there was a way to get around that body of water we had met. We didn't know if it was a lake, or the ocean. He said that it was most likely a lake, and that he could probably find a way around it, but it was next to impossible. In other words, almost all hope was gone.

But that didn't mean that I would stop talking to those that I cared about, those that I had left behind.

Raven was doing better. She hadn't gained any feeling in her injured leg, which Murphy was incredibly guilty about. Her friend, Wick, had made a brace for her. She said that she was stubborn at first and didn't wear it, but it seems that they are more than friends now. I liked that. She deserved to move on from Finn.

Octavia was strong, I knew that much. She and Lincoln were still together, and it seemed that Bellamy had most definitely changed his opinion on his sister's lover over the months that he had been getting to know him better.

As for Bellamy, he was doing better. At least, that's what Octavia told me. He had practically been a walking shell of a man before he had found out I was alive, but now that he knew, it was like the hope that had once burned bright in his eyes before Clarke left had suddenly returned.

I had been trying to convince Murphy to talk to Bellamy, but he was reluctant. He thought that Bellamy hated him still, and he even told me that Bellamy had a right to kill him.

So Bellamy and I talked, and I spent time with Murphy. That was pretty much how every day went.

Bellamy was especially curious about how we had gotten to land, and he wanted to know about the drone. I hadn't told him about the man's journal yet, or even the bunker, or what he had put on the videotape. I would tell him later, after he knew about the trip here.

"What was it that attacked Murphy?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said. "It kind of reminds me of that snake that Octavia came across. At least, her description of it. It was huge, it swallowed Craig whole. Murphy was lucky, and so was I."

"I kind of wish that Jaha wasn't as lucky," he growled out. "He shouldn't have left you like that."

"Well, he did. It's not like we begged him to stay, either. I basically told him to go follow that drone and die on the way there," I smirked, even though he couldn't see it.

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