XIX - Letting Go

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August 17th, 2015

I know it's late this time... But trust me. It was worth the wait.

DEFINITELY worth the wait.

Now, the song for this is "I Found" by Amber Run. I listened to this the entire time I was writing this chapter.

By the way, I searched for a while, and I couldn't find the name of Murphy's mom. So yeah. I just came up with my own, 'Mina'. :')


Chapter Nineteen

I woke up to see Murphy coming out of the bathroom. He had just taken a shower, I could tell from his soaking wet hair. He was wearing dark blue jeans that seemed to fit him perfectly, as well as a black t-shirt that looked slightly tight on him. Not that I was complaining. However, I also noticed that he hadn't bandaged his arm again.

We had been at the light house for just over two weeks now, and Jaha never came back. Neither of us knew where he was, but frankly, I didn't really care. We hadn't talked again about going to back to the other people of the ark. But, frankly, I wasn't entirely sure that I wanted to. I cared about Bellamy, Octavia, Clarke, all of them. But until we found some way to go around the body of water, we couldn't leave.

I didn't want to die, and I didn't want him to die either.

Maybe we would see them again.. Maybe.

"Murphy," I said, taking my mind off of it. "You need to keep wrapping up your arm for at least a week."

"Why? Isn't it almost scabbed over?" he asked, glancing down at his arm.

I shook my head. "We still need to keep it covered. I just... I don't want to take the risk, that's all. It could infected, and if worst came to worst, you could die."

He smirked. "Are you saying you'd miss having me around?"

"Of course I wouldn't," I rolled my eyes. "I just need someone to baby and look after. Keeps away the boredom."

"Oooh," he said, putting a hand over his heart. "Harsh."

"What can I say?" I smirked, shrugging my shoulders. "I'm a mean person."

"True that," he chuckled, then left the bedroom.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick five-minute shower. Once I had dried myself off and gotten on different clothes, I

I was greeted with the sight of Murphy sitting at the dining table and looking through an emergency kit that we had found a few days ago. It looked like one of those travel ones, the ones that you could carry with you on a hiking trip.

"What's in there?" I asked, sitting down in front of him.

He glanced over at me before pulling out some of the items, naming them off as he did. "Two radios, a flashlight, mini first aid kit, whistle, can opener, two maps, three packs of batteries, a sky lantern, a flare gun, and seventeen cans of food," he stopped, remembering something. "Oh, and also nine bottles of water," he said, gesturing to the island, where all of the food and water was laid out.

"That should last us a while," I smiled softly. "Even though most of the food probably expired years ago."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno. I mean, sure, they're non-perishables, but how long could they really last?" he sighed.

I sighed a little, then said the thing that had been on my mind for more than two days now. "Did you ever mourn him? Embege?"

His lips pursed, and then he shook his head. "No... No, I guess not."

Red Lighter ✧ John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now