XVII - Pistol

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August 9th, 2015

This chapter made me laugh. :') Well, it did in the beginning... Hehehe. 

By the way, I'm not completely certain, but this chapter might be a trigger. You've been warned.

And the song is "Miss Missing You" by Fall Out Boy. 'Cause... Y'know... It's a nice song.

Enjoy! ^_^


Chapter Seventeen

Since there weren't any windows or anything in the light house, I had absolutely no idea what time it was. I just knew that when I woke up, Murphy was still snoring, with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head on my stomach. I was counting myself lucky that he hadn't drooled on me yet.

"Murphy! Get up!"

He groaned, hugging me a little tighter. "No," he said in the strained voice that he apparently got when he was completely drunk.

To be honest, I had absolutely no idea how he hadn't gotten so drunk in so little time. He had literally been drinking for about half an hour, and boom. The second he gets near a bed, he's out like a light.

"Murphy!" I shouted, swatting the back of his head. "I swear to god, if you don't get up right now, I will lock away all of the alcohol and-"

"I'm up!" he said, shooting up out of the bed and ending up falling right off of the mattress. I heard a loud thud, followed by a string of curses. His head poked up from the side of the mattress, and I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. Not long after, his laughing was followed by mine.

He climbed back up on the bed, and we both almost had tears running down our cheeks. "How the hell did you get drunk so fast?" I asked him.

"Maybe I'm more of a lightweight than I thought," he said, yanking a pillow under him and hugging it in almost the same fashion that he had been hugging me.

"Okay, new rule," I said. "No more drinking."

He pouted, then groaned into the pillow. "You're no fun."

"Wait!" I said, and he opened one eye to glare at me a little. "You didn't let me finish. No more drinking... Without me."

He smirked. "Well, I sure hope you don't take advantage of my drunken state."

I winked at him. "No promises," I said, then sat up. "Now, come on. Let's get some breakfast, then see if we can actually work that TV."

He sighed, then nodded. "Okay."

We both got up, still wearing the clothes from yesterday, and went into the kitchen. "Do you know how to use this?" I asked, pointing at the oven, then basically gesturing to every appliance in the kitchen. On the ark, our food was cooked and served to us to help manage the rations, so we had no idea how to use any of these things.

"Nope," he said, sighing as he fooled around with the dials for a few seconds before giving up.

We continued to search through the cupboards to find something that might serve as breakfast, and for some reason, I really wanted the alphabet soup that we found. Sure, it was a lunch item, but I still wanted it. "How about this?"

He scoffed. "If we had a way to cook it, then sure." Right after that, I heard a scream from beside me. "Shit!" He shouted.

I turned around to face him, only to see him clutching his hand to his chest.

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