Leaked Information

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Stan and I were both looking at his phone, pure shock wiping our faces as we stared down. I let out a chuckle, but not like it was funny, a so-shocked-I-couldn't-speak-and-had-to-chuckle, one. 

"He's gay!" I let out, inspecting the screen further.

"Could be Bi, Jen," Stan chirped up with a nod, looking at me as I stared at the phone.

"That's true,"

It was Louis. The Louis, and not only that, he was on a dating app. I was shocked, none of us, even Stan- whose gaydar was through the roof- had the slightest idea. Then I started to wonder if he hadn't told anyone, in a case of judgment. If so, he needed better friends.

"What do we do with this information?"

"Take it to the grave," I replied, sharply, "If he hasn't come out, that is. But then again I don't feel like asking, or telling Lydia, the ultimate blab mouth."

"Okay," Stan agreed, "Secret,"

Working at the library wasn't my idea of joy-jumping excitement, but it was suitable and convenient. I enjoyed the job, mostly, when there wasn't groups of teenage boys hanging around the studying session, not studying, or when they attempted to flirt with me. That was the most awkwardly chilling as I reminded them several times I was far too old. By far too old I mean a few years, but still, they were complete tools.

Luckily, they weren't in sight.

I saw a few old men browsing the historical fiction section and a few children running around the children's author section. And I swear a girl, no older than fourteen, was browsing the fifty shades of grey books. But anywho, who was I to judge?

I stayed stationary behind the desk, occasionally hearing Mrs Macanerny chatter to herself in the back room as she carried piles of boxes around. I swear the old woman was always rearranging something. She was nice, though and even put a few copies of my book on the shelves. I always tried to stay calm when somebody bought or borrowed one.

"Hi, excuse me,"

I lifted my head from the counter and found the young girl smiling at me. I quickly placed a matching one on my lips and gave my usual customer service voice.

"Hi, everything okay?"

"I'd like to borrow this book, please," The girl placed the book down on the counter with a thump. She was clearly trying to hide the awkwardness as I gazed briefly over the cover. Fifty shades of grey.

Unlike movies, or alcohol, the age rating of books didn't matter. Even if it was the most sexual thing on the planet, a fourteen year old girl could still pick it up and borrow it. Of course, if there was a ten year old, I'd advise the parents against it but nine times out of ten it wasn't my place.

"Have you borrowed from us before?" I questioned, clicking onto the computer so I could log the book in. The girl replied with a kurt nod and told me her name. I almost chuckled as I read the list of books she'd borrowed— quite the romance enthusiast, "There's no doubt you're a hopeless romantic," I joked, lightly.

The girl went a shade of red and smiled down at me, "Yeah, um, you could say that,"

I chuckled and handed her back the book after signing the inside cover, "You have two weeks to bring it back, or borrow it again if you haven't finished,"

"Alright, thank you,"

She started to walk away, until I shouted her again, "Oh, and miss,"


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