14) Wolves

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"Bella I'm not so sure this is a good idea Bella" Athena said as she followed Bella to Jacob's front door.

Billy opened the door and saw Athena and Bella. "Athena, Bella" Billy said. "I need to see him" Bella said. "He's not in" Billy said.

"Okay I'm sorry I really need to see him" Bella said walking in.

"Bella" Billy said. "Sorry Billy I tried to stop her" Athena said as she walked in following Bella who opened Jacob's bedroom door, and they saw him asleep.

Bella then looked outside and saw Sam and his crew. "Bella don't" Athena said and Bella went outside. "Do you ever listen" Athena asked and followed Bella.

"What did you do" Bella asked and approached him. "Okay what did you do what did you do to him" Bella asked as she pushed him.

"Bella stop" Athena said and sighed. "They never listen" Athena said.

"Easy" Sam told seeing Paul about to lose it. "He didn't lose it" Bella said. "What did we do what did he do what'd he tell you" Paul asked. "Please calm down your pet" Athena told Sam.

"Both of you calm down" Sam told Paul and Bella.

"Nothing he tells me nothing because he's scared of you" Bella said causing Embry and Paul to laugh as Athena, Bella, and Sam just looked at them.

Bella then slapped Paul and Athena pulled Bella away from Paul putting her behind her seeing Paul getting angry. "Too late now" Embry said.

"Athena get back" Sam said as he saw Athena protecting Bella.

"Paul calm down now" Sam said but Paul already turned into a werewolf as Bella saw and was shocked.

"Well, I guess the secret is out" Athena said as Sam looked at her. "What" Athena said, and Bella grabbed Athena's hand forcing her to run. "Wow Bella" Athena said.

"Bella, Athena" Jacob said as he came out jumping over the balcony and started running towards them.

"Run, Jake run" Bella said as she continues to make Athena run with her.

Jacob jumped over Bella and Athena and turned into a werewolf as Bella and Athena saw while Bella was shocked, but Athena wasn't.

Jacob and Paul growled at each other before they started to fight. "Paul" Sam said. Jacob and Paul continued to fight as they went through the woods.

"Hey, take Bella and Athena back to Emily's place" Sam said as he followed Jacob and Athena.

"Guess the wolf's out of the back" Embry said. "Come on Bella get up" Athena said helping Bella up.


"Hey, I think we should go back and see if Jacob's okay" Bella said as Athena got out of the car.

"I hope Paul gets some teeth in him serves him right" Jared said and Athena whacked him upside the head. "Athena" Jared said rubbing his head.

"No way Jake's a natural you see him phase on the fly I got five says Paul doesn't touch him" Embry said.

"Come on in Bella we won't bite" Embry said seeing Bella not following. "Speak for yourself" Jared said as Bella gets out of the car and approaches them.

"I will smack you" Athena told Jared. "Oh, hey about Emily Sam's fiancée don't stare it bugs Sam" Embry told Bella.

"Why would I stare" Bella asked. "You'll see" Athena said and they all went inside.

"Are you guys hungry like I have to ask" Emily said and laughed as Embry and Jared grab something to eat before sitting down.

Bella and Athena leaned on the wall as Emily looked at them.

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