Alice, Bella, Athena, and Edward walked into the room, and they saw Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, and Esme.
"Please try to have fun" Athena told Bella and she, Bella, Alice, and Edward made their downstairs as Carlisle and Esme approached Bella.
"Sorry about all of this" Carlisle said to Bella. "We tried to rain Alice in" Carlisle said.
"As if that were even possible" Esme said and gave Bella a hug. "Happy birthday Bella" Esme said and Athena headed over to Carlisle as she saw Alice taking pictures.
"Thanks" Bella said as they pulled away from the hug. Bella then realized Alice was taking pictures.
"I found it in your bag" Alice explained. "You mind" she asked, and Bella shook her head no.
"Dating an older woman hot" Emmett said to Edward who shook his head at him. "What" Emmett said.
"You first Rosalie" Alice told Rosalie and Rosalie gave Bella her gift. "It's a necklace Alice picked it out" Rosalie said.
"Thanks" Bella said. "A, for effort" Athena said shrugging as Carlisle smiled at her. "Show me the live" Alice said after putting Edward next to Bella and took a picture.
Then she noticed Athena and Carlisle and went to them. "You too" Alice said and Carlisle hugged Athena from behind. "Please hurry and take the picture" Athena said and Alice took the picture.
Carlisle removed his hands from Athena and turned her to face him.
"Not much of a picture person are you" Carlisle asked. "That obvious geh I didn't notice" Athena said sarcastically and Carlisle just smiled at her before giving her a quick kiss.
"This one's from Emmett" Alice said giving Bella the box. Bella shook it before looking at Emmett.
"Already installed in your truck finally a decent sound system for that piece of" Emmett said when Bella interrupted.
"Hey, don't hate the truck" Bella said causing Athena to look. "She told you Emmett" Athena said as Emmett smiled at Athena. "Open Carlisle's" Alice said giving Bella the present.
"Just a little something to brighten your day" Carlisle said. "He had Athena help him pick it out you've been looking, kind of pale lately" Esme said.
Suddenly Athena frowned having a feeling something was about to happen.
"Athena" Carlisle said noticing the look on her face and Athena looked at Bella. Bella cut her finger as she opened the gift.
"Paper cut" Bella said and Athena looked from the table at the wall to Bella.
Edward then looked at Jasper and before Edward could push Bella Athena ran to Bella moving her gently to Alice as Edward ended up pushing Athena instead.
Athena fell on the table where glass shattered before falling to the ground. "Athena" Bella said before going to her. "I'm okay" Athena said.
"How did you know" Bella asked. "I have no idea it was like it was some kind of prediction" Athena said.
Jasper went to go to Bella and Athena when Edward pushed him back causing Jasper to fall on the piano. Jasper stood back up with vamp speed and he dodged.
Jasper went to go to Bella and Athena again, but Emmett quickly grabbed him with Carlisle's help as they held him back preventing Jasper from hurting them.
Alice then went to Jasper to try to calm him down.
"Jaz, Jaz it's okay it's just a little" Alice said before she realized.
"Blood" Alice said before she, Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, Carlisle, Rosalie, Jasper, Esme, and Bella looked at Athena's arm seeing there was a lot more blood.
"Get Jasper out of here" Carlisle said and rushed to Athena with his vamp speed and looked at her arm. Emmett then left with Jasper.
"I'm sorry I can't" Alice said and left with Rosalie. "I'll have to stitch this up in my office" Carlisle told Athena.
"She knew" Bella said. "How" Carlisle asked. "I have no idea first the bodies now this" Athena said as tears fell. "What is happening to me" Athena asked.
"Check on Jasper" Carlisle told Edward who looked guilty.
"I'm sure he's very upset with himself, and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now" Carlisle said. "Edward" Carlisle said, and Edward left.
"Why don't you stay out here it will only take a moment she'll be fine I promise" Carlisle told Bella.
"I believe you" Bella said and Carlisle got up helping Athena and headed to his office with her.
"This couldn't be more embarrassing" Athena said. "What getting stitched up after getting cut with glass" Carlisle asked. "No getting stitched up by my vampire boyfriend" Athena said.
"Is Jasper okay" Athena asked. "I don't want him to blame himself" Athena said.
"Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us but I can assure you he'll be okay" Carlisle told Athena.
"I never did ask but how do you do it" Athena asked. "Years and years of practice" Carlisle said.
"Did you ever think of just doing it the easy way" Athena asked. "No, I knew who I wanted to be I wanted to help people it brings me happiness even if I am doomed regardless" Carlisle said.
"Now don't say that I don't believe that" Athena said and Carlisle looked at her. "Athena" Carlisle said.
"No Carlisle no don't you ever say that you hear me Carlisle you couldn't be doomed you couldn't it's impossible" Athena said. "Thank you, my love you and your sister always have been very gracious about us," Carlisle said.
"Someone has to" Athena said. "I am going to find out that's happening to you okay I will it just may take time" Carlisle told Athena.
"I need to know why this has been happening ever since you died and came back to life" Carlisle added. "You and me both" Athena said.
That night Edward took Athena and Bella home. "Athena I'm" Edward started to say but Athena stopped him.
"Don't apologize don't you dare it's okay" Athena said and gave a small smile to Edward. "I'm going to go to bed and give you two a moment" Athena said and left.
"Do you know what's happening to her she told me she knew like it was a prediction kind of like Alice but she's not a vampire how is that possible" Bella asked.
"I don't know but Carlisle is working on finding out and when I know I'll tell you" Edward said.
Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.
Tik Tok: derekhalekolmlover
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