12) harbinger of death

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"Bella are you sure about this" Athena asked as Bella got on the motorcycle. "I'm sure I'll be fine Athena okay promise" Bella said as Athena sighed not sure if she believed her.

"Okay" Bella said once she was on the motorcycle. "You look scared" Jacob told Bella.

"I'm not" Bella said. "Then wiped the scared look off your face" Athena said. "Alright brake" Jake said, and Bella pointed to it.

"Clutch" Jake said, and Bella pointed to it. "Good" Jake told her. "Gas" he said, and Bella started the motorcycle. "Ready" Jake asked before going to Bella as Athena watched worriedly.

"Now slowly release the clutch" Jake said and Bella did. Then Athena noticed Bella out of it as Bella jumped getting her and Jake's attention.

"Whoa you alright" Jake asked her. "Bells, you don't have to do this we can do something else" Athena said. "I'm gonna go again" Bella said.

"Okay" Jake said. "You sure about this" Athena asked and Bella nodded before driving off and Jake and Athena watched her. Then they noticed Bella losing control of the bike.

"Hit the brake" Jake told her. But it was too late as she fell off the bike bumping into a rock and Jacob got on his bike helping Athena on the back and drove over to Bella.

They both got off the bike and rushed to make sure Bella was okay.

"I wanna go again" Bella said. "No absolutely not I will sell that bike before I let you go again" Athena said.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed" Jake asked Bella. "No, I want to go again" Bella said ignoring Athena. "No forget it no more bikes" Jake said.

"Bells your head" Athena said and Bella felt her head.

"Ow" she said then looked at her hand seeing blood. "Oh my god I'm sorry" Bella said confusing Athena making her wonder why she was apologizing for being hurt.

"What you're apologizing for bleeding" Jake asked. "Yeah, I guess I am" Bella said. "That's not weird at all" Athena said sarcastically as Bella gave her a small smile.

"Well, it's just blood Bella no big deal" Hake said then stood up taking off his shirt.

He bent down back to Bella's level gently wiping at the blood. "There" Jake said to her. "What you, staring at" Jake asked.

"You're sort of beautiful" Bella said. "Bells you feeling okay" Athena asked and she nodded.

"How hard did you hit your head" Jake asked Bella. "I don't know" Bella said making Jake chuckle. "Let's go" Jake said and he and Athena helped Bella up.


Bella and Athena went to the table where the Cullen's used to sit but stopped and Athena saw Bella looking at Angela, Jessica, Eric, and Mike.

"Come on" Athena said and led Bella to them. "Hey guys long time no see" Athena said.

"You know you're not the only one our dad's been getting reports at the station like five hikers have been killed by some bear" Bella said as she sat down, and Athena tensed remembering that she was the one who found their bodies.

Athena snapped out of it and sat down next to Bella. "Only they can't find the bear" Athena said.

"Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend" Eric said motioning to Angela. "Um" Mike said before looking at Bella.

"So, I mean Bella's back" Mike asked. "Yeah, I guess so" Bella said. "Alright that's well welcome" Mike said. "Hello, I'm back too, you, dweeb" Athena told Mike before throwing a fry at him.

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