5) Meeting the family

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Athena was helping Bella wash her truck when they heard a thud as they jumped but when they looked it was Edward.

Edward jumped down from the truck landing in front of Bella. "Geez will you stop with the jump scares" Athena asked as Edward smiled at her.

"Could you act human I mean I've got neighbors" Bella said. "I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow you and Athena" Edward said. "Wait Athena goes too" Athena asked.

"Yes you do Carlisle requested I bring you" Edward said confusing Athena. Edward then got rid of the dent in Bella's truck.

"Thanks" Bella said referring to the dent. "Wait like with your family" Bella asked. "Yeah" Edward said. "What if they don't like me" Bella asked.

"Then it's their loss" Athena said and Bella smiled at her.

"Have I mentioned your my favorite sister" Bella asked. "I'm your only sister" Athena said.

"So you're worried not because you'll be in a house full of vampires but because you think they won't approve of you" Edward said. "I'm glad I amuse you" Bella said.

"What is it mind reader" Athena asked seeing him looking at something. "Complication" Edward told her.

"I'll pick you both up tomorrow" Edward said. "Hey bring me a hot chocolate" Athena yelled at Edward and Bella looked at her.

"What who knows how long we'll be there they might not have hot chocolate all they drink is blood" Athena said as Edward left.

Jacob and Billy then pulled in as Bella finished washing the truck with Athena's help.

Jacob got out of the truck and got the wheelchair out before helping Billy in it. "Jake hey" Athena said smiling at him. "Hey Athena" Jacob said smiling at her.

"Hey came to visit your truck" Bella asked Jacob. "Looks good got that dent out" Jacob said. "Yeah" Bella said.

"Actually we came to visit your flat screen first mariners game of the season plus Jacob here keeps bugging me about seeing you again" Billy said.

Athena smirked at that knowing that Billy meant Jacob's crush on Bella. "Great dad thanks" Jacob said.

"Just keeping it real son" Billy said and Charlie came over.

"Vitamin R" Charlie said. "Well done Chief, Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry" Billy said.

"Good man" Charlie said. "Any luck with that Waylon case" Billy asked. "Well I don't think it was an animal that killed him" Charlie said as he rolled Billy.

"Never thought it was" Billy said. "So spread the word st the Rez huh keep the kids out of the woods" Charlie said.

"Will do don't want no one else getting hurt do we" Billy said.


Edward got out of the car once they arrived at the house as did Athena happily sipping at her hot chocolate Edward got her.

Bella was about to open her door when Edward sped to her opening it for her and Bella got out of the car. Edward closed Bella's door putting his arm around her.

"Wow this is your house more like a mansion" Athena said before walking up to the house with Edward and Bella.

"Whoa this is incredible" Bella said as Edward helped her take off her jacket.

"It's so light and open you know" Bella said. "What did you expect coffins and dungeons and moats" Edward asked. "No not the moats" Bella said.

"Not the moats" Edward said. "Geez we should have met you guys a long time ago" Athena asked.

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