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It was the next day and almost time for the concert! Haylee and I were backstage with the boys before we had to leave to wish them good luck.
"I don't think I'd be able to do this without you here." Calum nervously smiled.
"Hey you will do great!" I said hugging him.
He seemed to melt in my arms. Like I had taken away all of the nerves with just one hug. A security guard walked in to take us to our seats.
"I love you Cal." I smiled and kissed him.
"I love you more." He smiled after I pulled away.
"I love you most." I said as Haylee and I walked toward the security guard. He escorted us to our seats and the lights when out. Screams filled the arena.
"Hey! Let's fangirl so hard!" I yelled to Haylee laughing.
"Yes! Oh my god!" She yelled back.
The boys ran on stage. Haylee and I screamed as loud as we could.
"Oh my god! Calum! I love you!" I screamed.
He looked down at me and winked.
"Michael you are so hot!" Haylee yelled.
A faint blush came across Michael's cheeks. We danced to all their songs and screamed things to Calum and Michael the whole show. I almost forgot to vlog a lot of it.
"We are 5 seconds of summer and goodnight!" Luke yelled and they ran off stage.
We were escorted back after a few minutes.
"Wren!" Calum smiled.
He ran to hug me.
"Ew! You are so sweaty!" I laughed as he attacked my face with kisses.
"I'll shower on the bus." He laughed.
"You guys were amazing!" I said to all of them.
"You girls were so embarrassing!" Michael laughed.
"Hey we had to have the full experience." Haylee laughed then kissed him again.
Everyone was happy.
This was a moment we would all remember forever.

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