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We sat under the bridge for the second night. I was freezing. I was shaking horribly.
"Wren." Eli said.
He moved next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I hated him but I needed some form of warmth. After a few hours he fell asleep. I was about to go to sleep when I seen a small light move quickly. Five heads poked out at the other end of the bridge. They were here! They found me! Ever so slightly I moved out of Eli's grip. I looked around for a way to get up to tracks. Then I noticed small holes, almost like rock climbing, in the side of the bridge. I began to climb. I tucked the corners of the blanket I had in my pockets so it would stay around me. Halfway up the blanket slipped, falling right on Eli. Suddenly there was a sound of a train. Eli moved the blanket and looked up at me.
"Wren!" He yelled.
I reached the top just as he started to climb. I looked to my right and seen the train lights getting very close. I looked to my left and seen My four best friend and my boyfriend all waving their arms.
"Run!" Michael screamed.
I took off as fast as I could towards them. The trains horn blew long and loud.
"Wren!" Eli yelled when it stopped.
I didn't turn back. I was so close to them.
"Wren! Run!" Calum yelled.
"Wren! Stop!" Eli yelled.
He was close.
Finally I reached them. We moved off into the grass. I turned and looked back at the tracks. Eli's foot was stuck. He was trying to untie his shoe as the train got closer and closer.
"Wren! Always!" He yelled.
And those were his last words. It would always haunt me. Always.

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